McConnell Celebrates SCOTUS Muslim Ban Win by Tweeting Photographic FU to Supporters of the Rule of Law

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said denying President Barack Obama his rightful placement of a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court was his greatest accomplishment in his entire legislative career. That seat went to uber-conservative Neil Gorsuch.

Minutes ago the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 ruling, handed President Donald Trump his greatest judicial win: upholding as constitutional the anti-Muslim travel ban.

The Senate Majority Leader celebrated by tweeting out what essentially is a big “FU” to those who believe in the rule of law, and those who believe, rightly, that McConnell stole a Supreme Court seat and handed it to a conservative extremist.

Here’s his tweet a photo of himself shaking hands with Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. McConnell didn’t even need to write a single word.


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