Roseanne Wasn’t Honest About ‘Leaving Twitter’ Because Hoo-Boy Did She Have a Crazy Night of Tweeting

Roseanne Barr‘s claim she was “leaving Twitter” and her apology to Valerie Jarrett on Tuesday apparently were less that heartfelt or honest.

It took just a few hours from her promise to leave the social media platform for her to return, and in the ensuing hours she made clear she has little remorse.

ABC Television fired the “Roseanne” star within hours of her apology to the former Obama top aide. And apparently she felt all bets were off, all promises were null and void.

Among the first tweets she posted after being fired was a curious attempt to appear as if she was taking responsibility while not taking responsibility at all – by blaming Ambien.

“guys I did something unforgiveable so do not defend me,” Barr tweeted. “It was 2 in the morning and I was ambien tweeting-it was memorial day too-i went 2 far & do not want it defended-it was egregious Indefensible. I made a mistake I wish I hadn’t but…don’t defend it please. ty”

She later deleted that tweet entirely.

The rest of the night Barr spent retweeting supporters’ excuses, “whataboutisms,” and falsehoods – all of which prove she has no remorse and believes the disgusting conspiracy theories and racist and anti-Semitic lies she’s posted before.

This was not Barr’s first and only time comparing a Black woman to apes. This was not her first anti-Muslim tweet. This was not her first anti-Semitic tweet.

(Barr’s racist attack on Valerie Jarrett may have been the reason for her firing, but that was just one of several disgusting tweets she posted Monday night. The others didn’t make headlines but they were vile. In one, she called George Soros a “nazi,” and spread a long-debunked conspiracy theory about him.)

Among the supporters’ tweets Barr retweeted in her defense Tuesday night were claims like this one (spelling is original): “You had no idea VJ had any black blood. Most of us did nt. U made a political joke that fell flat bcuz of their ignorance about her.”

Valerie Jarrett is the daughter of two African-Americans. It’s hard to believe anyone didn’t know she is a person of color.

Barr even went after her “Roseanne” co-star, Sara Gilbert, who on Tuesday tweeted she is “disappointed” in Barr’s actions. Barr tweeted to fans that Gilbert’s remarks were “unreal,” and she was “shocked” that Gilbert said Barr’s actions don’t reflect the cast’s beliefs, and she forgives Gilbert.

Barr also retweeted this attack on the left:

And, according to this tweet, Barr appears to be claiming she wasn’t fired, that she quit because ABC was censoring her:

And she claims she didn’t know Jarrett is African-American


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