Marco Rubio Uses Bible Quote to Attack Parkland Student Survivors

Senator Marco Rubio has been standing up for the NRA and opposing the Parkland, Florida student survivors in the month since the school mass shooting. Rubio was repeatedly booed last month at a widely-watched CNN town hall. He refused to say he will stop accepting NRA donations, saying the gun lobby supports his “agenda.”

Days later he took to Twitter to defend assault weapons, claiming they “are not rapid fire.” The NRA has spent at least $3 million on Rubio’s campaigns.

At the end of February, two weeks after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas massacre, a new poll found Rubio’s popularity had sunk to its lowest level since becoming a U.S. Senator.

“With apparently nothing to lose, Rubio slammed teenagers in a tweet,” The Week noted:

The Florida Republican Senator is doing it again, this time turning to religion to support his attack. Rubio Monday morning tweeted a Bible verse,  Isaiah 3:4-5, to go after the students.

“The child will be insolent toward the elder,” is the part that was especially telling, as many on social media noticed, angrily.

Even his supporters are unhappy:


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