The gun manufacturer lobby, the National Rifle Association (NRA), released a press statement opposing the Senate’s bipartisan firearm reform bill barely 30 minutes after the text...
NRA spent $30 million to put Trump in the White House.
77-page report finds the NRA acted as a "foreign asset" in service to Russia during the 2016 presidential election.
NRA calls instead on feds to fix "the broken mental health system and the prosecution of violent criminals."
“When gun control laws are implemented, they don’t work," Cruz claims.
“This is directly because of the madness LaPierre’s NRA has inflicted on America.”
"I support the Constitution and the Second Amendment. I mean, that's why we are Americans."
The NRA's public controversies are not going away.
Trump is using alleged misdeeds by NRA leadership to attack his political opponents, two top New York Democrats.
NRA has been beset by legal and financial challenges.
Despite a huge increase in mass shootings and global warfare, the crowd went wild.
Sentence Handed Down Minutes Before Gun Group's Convention Starts
Russian Agent Maria Butina's Boyfriend Arrested in South Dakota
"Peak white people is the NRA commemorating MLK as a champion of gun rights."
“The NRA is quite powerful, so when you look to influence U.S. politics, you should consider them as a convenient target.”