How Bad Is New Fox News 10 PM Host? She Says Adults Will Wear Diapers Instead of Sharing Restrooms with Trans People

Fox News Steers Hard Right

Fox News has just hired a new host for its 10 PM primetime hour. Laura Ingraham, who frequently guest hosts on the conservative news network, will join Fox News permanently to take over the hour, as soon as next week, according to the Drudge Report. Sean Hannity will face off against MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow at 9 PM.

Ingraham has a long and ugly history of making anti-LGBT, anti-women, anti-immigrant, and racist remarks.

Media Matters has a lengthy story on what to expect from Ingraham.

For starters, here’s Ingraham last year:

Oh we have a new transgender update for you as well,” Ingraham told her radio audience. “I think a lot of people are going to be walking around with just Depends on from now on. They’re just not going to use the bathroom. Adult diapers, diapers for everybody. No one’s going to be going to the bathroom. You have little kids, there’s going to be no bathrooms. We’re just going to all wear Depends. Everyone will just be happy. Then you’ll be in your own bathroom. Everyone’s bathroom is just their own clothes, OK? So this is what we’re going to go to.”

Media Matters also reports that “Ingraham asserted that ‘a lot of minorities’ supported Barack Obama for president ‘because he was, you know, half black.'”

As a journalist, Ingraham injects her exceedingly ugly opinions into her commentary. 

If same-sex marriage is legalized, Ingraham warned, “some type of incestuous relationship” will also become “validated by the state.”

She’s claimed “we know” that immigrants from Mexico come to America “to murder and rape our people,” and said America should only accept immigrants who “can verifiably say” they are Christians.

And Ingraham even claimed that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor using the term “undocumented immigrants” instead of “illegal aliens” is a failure “to defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America.”

On transgender troops in the military last year Ingraham offered up this offensive attack:

What do you think about all that social experimentation they’re doing in the military? They still going to pay for those for sex change surgeries in the military with taxpayer dollars? Aren’t they — are they paying for those now, Drew? The operations for the people to go and cut their private parts to death and whatever they do? Wasn’t that a push, they want the taxpayer dollars to pay for those sex change surgeries? What do you think old Mad Dog [Gen. James Mattis] is going to think about that? We’ve got to cut, but not that way.”

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