Morning Briefing: 5 Things for Tuesday – Today’s Georgia Special Election Could Determine Future of Health Care
Here’s What You Need to Start Your Day
Good Tuesday morning!
Here are five things you need to know for today:
- Today is the day: The Georgia special election for the congressional seat vacated by Tom Price, now Trump’s HHS Secretary. If Republican Karen Handel wins, it will be seen as a referendum in support of Trump’s policies. But if Democrat Jon Ossoff wins, it will be seen as total repudiation of Trump, especially his health care “plan,” which is a massive tax cut for the rich. Literally, the future of your health care and mine is at stake. If Ossoff wins it will send a strong message to Republicans. And if you think it won’t affect you because you have an employer plan, think again:
NEW: Trumpcare will impose lifetime/annual limits on 20-27 million in employer plans nationwide.
— Topher Spiro (@TopherSpiro) June 15, 2017
- Typical Fox & Friends “journalism”:
#GA6 voter tells @ToddPiro she thinks out-of-state Ossoff backers are trying to steal the election from locals #BreakfastwithFriends
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) June 20, 2017
- Latest poll shows Ossoff and Handel 0.1% away from each other – in other words, tied:
WOW! Brand new #GA06 poll shows Jon @ossoff & @karenhandel separated by just 0.1% – 49.0% to 48.9% (2.1% undecided and 4.4% margin of error)
— WSB-TV (@wsbtv) June 19, 2017
- Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) isn’t kidding. This is the plan:
.@brianschatz: Order of ppl who get to see health repeal bill
13 men in secret
GOP lobbyists
American people— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) June 19, 2017
- How bad is Trump doing? This bad:
.@CBSNewsPoll this morning shows Pres Trump with a 36% approval rating, lowest in a CBS News Poll since he took office. 57% disapprove.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) June 20, 2017
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