National Organization for Marriage’s ‘March for Marriage’ in DC Is a Total Dud

‘Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?’

The National Organization For Marriage’s annual March for Marriage in Washington, D.C. is just about wrapping up now, and by all accounts it is a total disaster. Right now the procession is heading toward the U.S. Supreme Court, which is amusing since the justices already gave NOM their answer 364 days ago.

ThinkProgress editor Zack Ford has been live-tweeting from the green in Washington, D.C., and says , a reporter for the far-right wing CNS News counted a total of 237 people having attended. Including reporters and speakers.

There are also some folks showing support for marriage equality and the LGBT community:

NOM President Brian Brown posted this Periscope video:

Clearly attendance was dismal, as was the rhetoric:

NOM cannot blame rain, since it’s a beautiful day in DC today. They can look at their poor social media skills, perhaps. They have not even posted about their own march on Facebook or Twitter since Wednesday, or on their own blog since Tuesday. And they actually have a company that handles that for them, Opus Fidelis.

In years past NOM was at least able to secure a few big names in politics, like Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum. That does not seem to have happened today. Not a single speaker was listed on their March for Marriage website.

If NOM represented an actual cause that people believed in, they would be growing in numbers, not shrinking. Founded in 2007, they’ve had nine years to perfect their strategies, fundraising, and events. And yet, they have accomplished little to nothing certainly nothing permanent, and their fundraising is embarrassing, as was this failed March for Marriage.

Will NOM even exist one year from now?


Image by Zack Ford via Twitter

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