Here’s ‘Friend of the Gays’ Donald Trump Pallin’ Around With One of America’s Most Anti-Gay Pastors

Megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress Is So Extreme Even Tim Tebow Refused to Associate With Him

Donald Trump has spent every day this week courting the LGBT vote. The billionaire businessman has used the Orlando anti-LGBT hate crime mass shooting terror attack to position himself as more pro-gay than Hillary Clinton, while telling his supporters how great for gay people he will be, despite his repeated declarations that he is opposed to same-sex marriage and will “likely” appoint justices to the Supreme Court who will overturn Obergefell.

So it comes as a surprise (not really) to see Trump retweeting a photo of himself with megachurch paster Robert Jeffress of Dallas Thursday night:

Not only did Trump hang out long enough for a photo op with the anti-gay pastor, he invited him to speak at his Dallas rally Thursday night:

Who is Pastor Robert Jeffress? Aside from his Fox News gig, Jeffress is literally one of the most anti-gay pastors in America. Not only is he anti-LGBT, he is anti-Muslim, anti-Catholic, and anti-Mormon.

Jeffress’ proudly professed beliefs are so extreme even right wing icon Tim Tebow, the Heisman Trophy winning NFL quarterback who made a name for himself – and a gave his name to his particular passion: praying. Tebow, a devout Christian evangelical, has a habit if kneeling in prayer during games, which is now called “Tebowing.” But in 2013 Tebow, scheduled to speak at Jeffress’ First Baptist Church in Dallas, cited “new information that has been brought to my attention,” and canceled after fans learned who Jeffress is.

Jeffress has said same-sex marriage “will pave the way to the future world that caters the antichrist to persecute and martyr Christians without any repercussions whatsoever.” And he added, “Once you enshrine gay marriage as a civil right, which is what the court did today, then anyone who opposes gay marriage will be guilty of a civil rights violation.”

RELATED: Trump Claims He Is Now The Most Pro-Gay Candidate for President In Speech on Orlando Terrorism

In 2014, Right Wing Watch reported, “Southern Baptist pastor Robert Jeffress warned today that churches that don’t embrace right-wing politics are going to ‘surrender the control and the direction of this country to the godless, immoral infidels who hate God.'”

Jeffress has called the Mormon faith a “cult,” and said Satan rules Catholicism. 

But let’s remember, Trump, with a hour of Trump saying, “LGBT is starting to like Donald Trump very much lately. Starting to like Donald Trump very, very much lately,” this happened:


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Hat tip: Politico, Joe.My.God.

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