‘What Are You Willing to Take a Bullet For?’: Just How Disturbing Is Franklin Graham’s Question?

Series of Facebook Posts About Transgender Rights and Sin Culiminate in Asking, ‘What Are You Willing to Take a Bullet For?’

The question has to be asked: Just how disturbing is Franklin Graham‘s recent Facebook post? Is he now advocating violence? Is he effectively intimating violence against LGBT people is a godly stance against “sin”? Is he suggesting LGBT people are a danger to Christians? Is he suggesting Christians should somehow martyr themselves in some twisted anti-LGBT last stand? What exactly is he suggesting?

Earlier today NCRM posted an article lambasting Billy Graham’s son for his Friday “freak out” over President Barack Obama’s directive to all pubic schools to not discriminate against transgender students. Graham’s transphobic post on Friday was directly followed by a series of posts suggesting those who sin will be forgiven. Is he effectively dangling permission to commit heinous acts?

One post on Saturday concludes God “will give us eternal life if we believe on Him and trust Jesus Christ as our Savior. He alone is able to wash all of our sins away and give us a clean record.”

Graham continues the thought on Sunday, writing, “The Bible says, ‘Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count His sin’ (Romans 4:7-8).” 

Graham then says, “I asked God to forgive my sins and my lawless deeds. He did—and I’m so grateful that my sins are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ so that they are not counted against me. How about you?”

Finally, Sunday evening, Graham on Facebook asks, “What would you take a bullet for?

That’s shocking in and of itself, but taken in context with his previous posts, it’s chilling.

“What are the principles and beliefs that you would not compromise under any circumstances? Even if it meant putting your life on the line?,” he asks.

He delves into Biblical mythology about King Nebuchadnezzar, and concludes, “I want to call on every Christian and every pastor to stand firm like these patriarchs of old and not bow to the secular, increasingly godless culture in which we live—even when (not if) we’re criticized, mocked, and labeled intolerant.”

“The God of the Old Testament that delivered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from their fiery execution is the same God today—and He is still more than able to save. Will you stand against ungodliness? What are you willing to take a bullet for?”

Frightening that a “man of God” would so carelessly and arrogantly pose such a question on his Facebook page, which has over 3.7 million fans. 

Others seem to agree Graham’s words are cause for concern.

Raw Story’s Travis Gettys wrote Monday morning, “in a Facebook message to his followers posted Sunday evening, Graham encouraged anti-LGBT bigots to martyr themselves or face God’s eternal wrath.”

Popular gay blogger Joe.My.God. reposted Graham’s words, with the title, “Franklin Graham: Real Christians Should Be Willing To Take A Bullet For Their ‘Intolerant’ Beliefs.”

In “Franklin Graham: President Obama Is Advancing the Sin of Homosexuality,” right-wing religious site Charisma writes that “a couple of comments” Graham “made over the weekend certainly added to the message” against homosexuality. “Sunday, he asked his social media followers, ‘What would you to take a bullet for?'”

LiveLeak just posted an article titled, “Franklin Graham Goes Full Bin Laden in N.Carolina: Christian Should ‘take a bullet’ & Be a Martyr for their ‘Intolerant’ Beliefs.'”

“Graham encouraged his own followers to follow that Old Testament example in opposing American laws that contradict their biblical worldview,” the article says.

Former LGBT blogger Pam Spaulding on Facebook asked, “Does he want to promote violence by ‘Christians’ that will result in death and destruction? When will he stop this dangerous nonsense?”

Graham is a public figure who almost daily attacks the LGBT community, same-sex marriage, and more recently, civil rights for transgender people. On his nationwide tour and on Facebook Graham uses his pulpit to denounce LGBT people’s lives as sinful. Whatever his intentions, the effect, as others seem to agree, is disturbing at the very least.

NCRM contacted both the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Franklin Graham’s public relations representatives asking for comment, by telephone and email. We were told Mr. Graham is traveling today. 

Here are some responses to Graham’s post on Facebook:





Image via Facebook 

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