Liberty Counsel President Warns Her Glock ‘Identifies’ as Her Bodyguard in Restrooms

Head of Law Firm That Has Drafted Anti-LGBT Bills in 20 States Says She Carries a .45 Into Restrooms

Mocking transgender people and suggesting she needs protection from them, Anita Staver says she carries a Glock .45 wth her in to restrooms. 

“I’m taking a Glock .45 to the ladies room. It identifies as my bodyguard,” Staver tweeted.

Staver is the president of Liberty Counsel, a Christian activist law firm which appears on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of anti-gay hate groups. The group gained national sttention last year when they represented Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis. Her husband, Liberty Counsel’s Founder and Chairman Mat Staver, recently admitted that their firm has drafted and is advocating for anti-LGBT bills in 20 states.  

Liberty Counsel says it is a “Christian ministry,” whose mission “is to preserve religious liberty and help create and maintain a society in which everyone will have the opportunity to discover the truth that will give true freedom.”


Image via Liberty Counsel Action/Facebook 

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