Cruz: Clinton, Trump Want to Let ‘Any Adult Man’ Use the ‘Girl’s Restroom if He Feels Like a Woman’

Ted Cruz Again Lies About His Opponents and About Transgender People, and Again, Chuck Todd Lets It Happen


Texas Tea Party Republican Senator Ted Cruz claims that President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump want a law “that says any adult man can go into a girl’s restroom if he feels like a woman at that minute.” Senator Cruz delivered that lie, direct from his stump speech, in a “Meet the Press” interview with Chuck Todd that airs Sunday morning. (Video above, at about the 1:20 mark.)

“My focus is on own positive optimistic vision for this country. As president my focus is going to be on three things: jobs, freedom, and security,” Cruz said. “Every day my focus is going to be on reducing the burdens of Washington on small businesses, bringing manufacturing jobs back to this country, lowering taxes and then defending the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Standing up – you know, to illustrate how out of touch the New York and Washington elite are, just a week ago Donald Trump came out on television, agreeing with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that grown men should be allowed to use little girls’ restrooms,” Cruz told Todd.

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“Now I view this issue as a matter of common sense. I don’t think it’s a right or left or Republican or Democratic issue. It’s common sense. Listen, I’m the dad of two little girls. It doesn’t make any sense to allow grown adult men – strangers – to be alone in a bathroom, and virtually all Americans understand that, and it is only the height of political correctness that refuses to acknowledge it.”

NBC News host Chuck Todd then asked Cruz what he would say to Caitlin Jenner, who took Donald Trump up on his offer to use any restroom she preferred in Trump Tower.

RELATED: Watch: Ted Cruz Tells Transgender Women to Only Use the ‘Bathroom at Home’

“What I say is very simple. If you pass a law, as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and Barack Obama want, that says any adult man can go into a girl’s restroom if he feels like a woman at that minute – listen, the real danger is not people who are transgendered. It’s people who are predators,” Cruz said.

“People who are predators who use that law as an excuse –”

Chuck Todd then said, “Right.”

Cruz continued, saying, “to go target our kids. That is a real dangerous – I’ve spent a lot of years in law enforcement dealing with cases of some of the worst child molesters,” Cruz went on.

At no point did Chuck Todd interject to correct Cruz on his false statements.

Politifact last week rated Cruz’s claims “mostly false,” yet he continued to spread them. 

Watch above.



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Image: Screenshot via NBC News

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