‘Jesus Would Stone Homos’ Church Up For Auction Over $1 Million Debt – Guess Who’s Trying To Buy It?

The Harlem church whose pastor says “Jesus would stone homos” and Starbucks puts the semen of gay men in its lattes is about to go up for auction – either of the groups trying to buy it would be perfect.

Pastor James David Manning has been the head of the ATLAH church in New York City’s historic Harlem neighborhood since 1983. But since at least 2009 the church’s financial issues have escalated, and today owes more than $1 million to creditors, according to DNA Info. 

Manning of course is the homophobic extremist who posts message of anti-LGBT hate on the illegally-errected sign outside his historic church building. 

Jesus would stone homos“ was the first that drew national outrage. 

All churches & members that support homos cursed be thou with cancer HIV syphilis stroke madness itch then hell,” was another. “When the homos bullied the poor and needy in Sodom like they do in Harlem, Jesus fire and brim-stoned them,” yet another.

Publicly, Manning has also claimed his local Harlem Starbucks is ground zero for Ebola because they add the semen of “sodomites” to add special flavor to their lattes.

He’s also said Barack Obama is gay, Vladimir Putin is gay, and the Russian President will out the American President in 100 days. That was in 2014. 

Manning also urged parents to take their children out of the public schools, where, he says, they “are under a massive attack from the homosexual lobby,” and the “demonic homosexual mafia.”

So it’s good to know there are two groups vying to buy Manning’s house of hate at auction.

The first is the Ali Forney Center, which feeds and shelters homeless LGBT youth, as Joe.My.God. first reported. 

They’ve raised nearly half of their $200,000 goal, “and will seek to leverage those funds to obtain additional support from local government, major donors and foundations.”

Gothamist reports the second is The Rivers of Living Water (ROLW) spiritual group, “a church built on the Christian message of radical inclusion with a unique focus on ministering to the needs of the LGBT community.”

You can donate to the Ali Forney center, and donate to the Rivers of Living Water church and help take hate out of Harlem.


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