Bill Maher: You Can’t Be President ‘If You Own A Painting Of Yourself With Jesus In A Bathrobe’

Bill Maher takes down Ben Carson and his “unorthodox beliefs,” including his Seventh-day Adventist faith, then attacks politicians of the religious right.

Bill Maher Friday night devoted his “New Rules” to explaining why Ben Carson shouldn’t be president. Maher quipped, “You can’t get your hands on the nuclear launch codes if you own a painting of yourself with Jesus in a bathrobe.” Which Dr. Carson does.

But Maher’s greater concern is Carson’s religion. While acknowledging that the Constitution specifies there can be no religious test as a precondition for holding the highest office in the land, voters are not equally compelled to ignore a candidate’s faith.

Carson, Maher, explained, is “a Seventh-day Adventist. A religion founded in the 19th century on Pastor William Miller’s guarantee that Jesus would return to earth on October 22, 1844. Spoiler alert: he didn’t. Which you’d think would have made the followers go, ‘Well, that was a bunch of bullshit.'”

Maher goes on to say that Seventh-day Adventists are “obsessed with the world ending.”

“They refer to the world not ending in 1844 as ‘The Great Disappointment.’ They’re disappointed that the world still exists.”

“I don’t have to agree with a politician on everything,” Maher continued. “But the earth staying is kind of a deal-breaker for me.”

Maher said his “great disappointment” is that four out of ten Americans believe we’re “living in end-times.”

“And that the stupid media never asks Jesus freaks two questions: ‘Do you believe the world is ending soon?,’ and, ‘Is that a bad thing?'”

Maher then slammed overtly religious and powerful politicians.

“Lamar Smith is the Chairman of the House Science Committee. And he’s a Christian Scientist, which means he doesn’t believe in science. He wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with prayer.”

Maher then took aim at Rep. John Shimkus, Chairman on the House Energy Subcommittee on Environment and Economy. 

“He says, ‘Don’t worry about rising sea levels, because in the Bible, God promised Noah there wouldn’t be any more floods.'”

And then Maher asked, “How serious can these people be about wanting to improve the future when they don’t think we’ll be around for it?”

Maher closed by accusing God of having his “fingers… in every war in human history.”



Image: Screenshot via Real Time with Bill Maher/YouTube

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