Pat Robertson: SCOTUS’s ‘Strange Rules’ Will Next Legalize ‘Love Affairs Between Men And Animals’

Pat Robertson is out with even more ridiculous claims, including legalization of bestiality, pedophilia, and polygamy.

This might be one of Pat Robertson‘s strangest responses to viewer mail yet.

A viewer named Thomas, who clearly has been listening to too many conservative “news” outlets, writes in to Robertson lamenting the at-best faulty story that Planned Parenthood is “harvesting” the “human body parts” of aborted fetuses and selling them. 

“How could this kind of sociopathic hypocrisy possibly be legal?,” he asks. 

Robertson’s answer should have been, “It’s not, move on,” but instead the octogenarian televangelist launches into an attack on the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade, and then its recent same-sex marriage ruling, and then offers up some very strange claims.

Robertson calls the clearly-defined and settled concept of separation of church and state, “strange rules,” and then, he fear-mongers over the future.

“You watch what’s going to happen now. They’ve said abortion is a constitutional right, they’ve said homosexuality is a constitutional right, they’ve said now homosexual marriage now is a constitutional right.”

“Watch what happens. Love affairs between men and animals will be going absolutely permitted,” Robertson told the viewer. “Polygamy, without question, is going to be permitted. And it will be called a right.”

Robertson’s co-host Terry Meeuwsen interrupted, claiming that “relationships with children,” will become legal, with Robertson agreeing, claiming that “they will succeed now” in legalizing pedophilia because “intellectually you can’t get around these Supreme Court decisions.”

So, next up, according to Robertson are the legalization of bestiality, polygamy, and pedophilia. 

To add to the strangeness of Robertson’s attack, he concludes that “we are stuck with a fixed doctrine of five old men on the Supreme Court – five men with black robes, they’re not all old anymore.”

We’ll let you figure that one out…




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Image: Screenshot via 700 Club
Hat tip and video: Right Wing Watch


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