Watch What Lesbian Tells ‘Starbucks Sodomite Semen’ Pastor When He Says She’s ‘Demon-Possessed’

A Harlem pastor know for his anti-gay hate church sign and mad ravings about LGBT people gets confronted by neighbors on local TV.

The conversation outside Harlem’s ATLAH church got heated Tuesday when local TV station WPIX filmed neighbors confronting Pastor James David Manning. The fire-and-brimstone preacher has made a name for himself and his church and school by posting grossly offensive statements on the large sign outside his church.

“Jesus would stone homos,” read one message last year. 

“All churches & members that support homos cursed be thou with cancer HIV syphilis stroke madness itch then hell 1 Cor. 6:9,” read another.

“When the homos bullied the poor and needy in Sodom like they do in Harlem, Jesus fire and brim-stoned them,” read a third.

Of course, Pastor Manning’s “biblical” messages aren’t, actually, but that has never stopped him from speaking his mind.

He’s claimed “homosexuality is a demonic spirit, such as cannibalism or other kinds—even pedophilia,” and warned “white homos are going to take the Black woman’s man.”

But Manning got the most attention for his Starbucks related hysteria.

After claiming that Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama are gay, presumably in a relationship, and Michael Sam may marry a 9-year old boy, Manning announced that “upscale sodomites” have made Starbucks “ground zero” for Ebola. He also insists that Starbucks’ secret ingredient is the “semen of sodomites.”

Which brings us back to Tuesday.

“I ended up walking across the street cause it’s so hurtful to hold my wife’s hand and [see] these words every time I pass by,” local resident Sharifa Ferryman told WPIX.

“You are going to hell for your insidious and wicked lifestyle,” Manning, on camera, told two women. “It’s a disgrace that you would stand here and confess that you have a relationship with another woman. It’s a disgrace before God.”

“You are just as perverted as a criminal, as a drug addict, and you know that,” he continued.

“This is clearly hate speech. You’re inciting violence,” one of them explained to Manning. And as the confrontation got more heated, she told him, “You are mentally ill, do you realize what you’re saying?”

Manning’s response?

“You are going to burn in hell.”


Images via WPIX
Hat tip: Raw Story

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