Right Wing Pundit: Rainbow Crosswalks Are ‘Discriminatory’

A far-right wing pundit just cannot accept that the Confederate flag is a symbol of hate, racism, and oppression, but rainbow crosswalks are not.

Take a good, close look at that photo up top. It’s a rainbow crosswalk in Vancouver. And it’s the epitome of modern-day discrimination.

At least that’s what Breitbart editor-at-large Ben Shapiro, author of Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans, says, after being set off by the popular movement to remove the Confederate flag from government buildings, state flags, and license plates.

This brilliant claim that rainbow sidewalks and a government building flying a gay pride flag are “discriminatory” comes from the man who said in 2013 that if you think Jason Collins coming out as gay is a big deal then you hate America because you think America is a homophobic country. 

EARLIER: Conservatives Demanding ‘Fascist, Anti-Christian’ Gay Pride Flag Be Taken Down

This brilliant claim also comes from the man who, upon learning last year that Stephen Colbert was taking over Letterman’s spot at CBS, claimed the now-former “Colbert Report” host acting like – portraying – a conservative was, in essence, racist.

After making his ludicrous claim that rainbow crosswalks are discriminatory, Shapiro unleashed a Twitter rant, :

Of course, the movement to remove the Confederate flag from state houses, flags, license plates, and in response, from the shelves of the nation’s retailers has happened exactly the way conservatives preach: through the elected officials of the people and through the free market. The President didn’t sign an executive order, nor did South Carolina’s governor. Nor were there advocacy groups demanding Walmart, Amazon, eBay, Sears, and Etsy remove Confederate flag products from their assortments. 

And of course, this behavior from the right is the madness that is the essence of today’s conservatives.



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Image by Anita Hart via Flickr and a CC license

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