Ben Carson: Gay Rights Aren’t Civil Rights Because Gay People Don’t Have Separate Water Fountains

Dr. Ben Carson is at it again, trying to explain his position on civil rights, and offending the LGBT community all over again.

How many times and how many ways can a man who claims he has “no animosity” toward gay people offend them?

Ben Carson on Wednesday sat down with Fox News host Bret Baier, and during a softball interview managed to once again offer up the most insulting and ignorant responses.

(Carson’s comments about gay people begin at the 5 minute mark above.)

Baier challenged the 63-year old retired pediatric neurosurgeon on the comments he made in a now infamous CNN interview, when he claimed that prison proves being gay is a choice. Carson admitted it was a “boneheaded” response to host Chris Cuomo’s line of questioning, but he also admitted he lost his cool during that interview.

“I was a little bit irritated that he was equating the whole [homosexuality] issue with the Civil Rights movement,” Carson said Wednesday. “Because, quite frankly, I didn’t remember any times when there were signs up that says, you know, ‘everybody else here and gay people have to drink at this fountain,'” he said.

It is almost inconceivable that a person running for president, a person with an incredible education and one who built his life in the medical industry, appears to have zero understanding of the discrimination and violence LGBT people face every day.

LOOK: GOP Presidential Candidate Ben Carson’s Top 10 Most Anti-Gay Comments

Separate water fountains are far from the only indication of second-class status. The inability to legally marry still exists for millions of same-sex couples, as does the fear of legally being fired or denied services for being LGBT, just for starters.

Carson’s attempt to appear conciliatory and moderate toward LGBT rights issues on Fox News cannot possibly negate his recent attacks on gay people.

In April, Carson said, “Some people think that I hate gay people, that I’m a homophobe. I’m not.” Then went on to demand Congress impeach judges who rule in favor of same-sex marriage.

That same month Carson strongly suggested that Christians are persecuted, and gay people are more protected than Christians and other people of faith.

In January, Carson quipped that gay people shouldn’t try to “force” bakers to make their wedding cakes, lest the bakers “poison” them.

Last year, Dr. Carson told a National Organization For Marriage audience that same-sex marriage is part of a Neo-Marxist plot to impose the “New World Order.”

But perhaps Carson’s most offensive comments came when he placed gay people in the same category as pedophiles, “people who believe in bestiality,” and “NAMBLA.”

On Wednesday, Carson tried to cover all that up.

UPDATE: Ben Carson: Anti-Christian Discrimination ‘More Important’ Topic Than Anti-Gay Discrimination

On “the whole homosexuality thing,” Carson told Fox News, “I would love for the gay community to answer this question for me: What position can a person take who has absolutely no animosity toward gay people, but believes in traditional marriage, that would be satisfactory to them?,” he asked.

Carson says he’s “very happy to compromise” on the issue, but he hasn’t “heard an answer” yet.



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Image: Screenshot via Fox News
Hat tip: CNN


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