Ted Cruz: ‘Mandatory Gay Marriage’ One Of Greatest Threats To Religious Liberty Ever (Audio)

Listen as 2016 presidential candidate Ted Cruz spins a lie-filled web of anti-gay hate in an interview with a religious right talk radio host.

Ted Cruz is warning that “the modern Democratic Party” has “gotten so extreme and so radical in its devotion to mandatory gay marriage that they’ve decided there’s no room for the religious liberty protected under the First Amendment.”

The Tea Party freshman Republican U.S. Senator and 2016 presidential candidate also warned listeners that same-sex marriage is one of the greatest threats to religious liberty in the history of this nation.

“We are seeing today profound threats to religious liberty in America, I think the greatest threats we’ve ever seen,” Cruz told conservative author and talk radio host Eric Metaxas, as Right Wing Watch documented in the audio recording below.

LOOK: Ted Cruz’s Top 10 Anti-Gay Statements

Cruz also flat-out lied, claiming that during oral arguments at the U.S. Supreme Court, Solicitor General Donald Virelli told the justices the IRS will end tax-exempt status of churches if marriage equality becomes the law of the land.

“The next step on this is your church being told it now pays income taxes on the tithes that are given each week, that it is now singled out and discriminated against, that universities like Notre Dame or Georgetown and Brigham Young or any university that is founded as a Christian university,” Cruz claimed, “if it continues to follow biblical teachings on marriage, the federal government is asserting the power to discriminate and persecute them.” 

Right Wing Watch points to the Washington Post to prove “Verrilli had said nothing of the sort.”

Cruz also fibbed by claiming that “over and over again” he has fought for and won religious liberty “nationally” for the past two decades. That entire claim, along with much of Cruz’s other claims to Metaxas, is faulty, at best. 




Ted Cruz: Christians Can’t Be Democrats Because Of ‘Liberal Fascism’ Of Gay Marriage Supporters

Ted Cruz Introduces Two Bills To Halt Same-Sex Marriage

Watch: Ted Cruz Tells Homeschooling Parents Gays Are Waging ‘Jihad’ Against Christians


Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license
Hat tip and audio: Right Wing Watch

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