Fox Freak Out: ‘If Biblical Truth Is Defined As Hate Speech, America As We Know It Ceases To Exist’

Watch the fireworks as guests on Fox News’ “Hannity” have an all out freak out over Marco Rubio’s false claims attacking same-sex marriage.

If you’ve never actually watched a Fox News segment of “Hannity,” this is the one for you.

Wednesday night, Sean Hannity exhibited perfectly his zone of intolerance for anyone on the left, while promoting a fact-free zone of hyperbole, hate, hysteria, and lies for his religious right wing guests.

In short, the message Hannity was telegraphing is gay rights are the cause of Christian persecution in America – ignoring the fact that there is no Christian persecution in America.

In a segment titled, “Why is Christianity under attack in America?,” (it’s not,) Hannity played a clip of GOP Senator Marco Rubio falsely claiming that the advancement of same-sex marriage may very well mean that those who speak from the bible are committing hate speech.

LOOK: Marco Rubio: Advancement Of Same-Sex Marriage ‘A Real And Present Danger’ To Christians (Video)

Let’s just see how Fox News guests respond to it.

Hannity asked if pastors will be forced to marry same-sex couples.

First up is American Atheists president David Silverman, who, when asked, told Hannity that no one in America is trying to force priests or pastors or any clergy person to marry any same-sex couple.

“There’s nobody out there who is saying that Christian preachers should be forced to marry people against their will. But really what this is about is bigotry. You and I can both agree that bigotry is wrong, and bigotry is ugly and bigotry is stupid,” Silverman stated, noting that the vast majority of Christian support marriage equality. “We’re not talking about attacks on Christianity, we’re talking about attacks on bigotry.”

Hannity wasn’t buying Silverman’s very clear and intelligent answer, so he turned to Fox News contributor Pastor Robert Jeffress, a Texas megachurch pastor so controversial even Tim Tebow decided to cancel an appearance at Jeffress’ anti-gay, anti-Islam, anti-Mormon, anti-Catholic First Baptist Church.

“Is Senator Rubio right?,” Hannity asked, conflating his own question, will pastors be forced to marry same-sex couples, with Rubio’s comments.

Dr. Jeffress apparently either hasn’t read the part of the bible about bearing false witness, or hasn’t read the Supreme Court transcripts from last month’s same-sex marriage oral arguments. He incorrectly framed U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli’s statement to the Supreme Court, and suggested that pastors who refuse to marry same sex couples will be breaking the law and will be targeted by the federal government.

“The Obama administration is sending us a signal that they are going to come after those who believe in traditional marriage,” Jeffress falsely claimed. 

“We can debate gay marriage all day and all night, but the fact is traditional marriage has been in civilization for thousands of years,” Jeffress said. “It has been embraced by our country for hundreds of years, and has been embraced by liberals like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton until the last several years.”

Any viewer who had not heard the Supreme Court’s oral arguments would likely have walked away believing pastors will be forced to marry same sex couples. 

Then came Dr. Samuel Rodriguez‘s turn.

“Sean, I completely agree with Senator Marcio Rubio,” Rodriguez, head of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, said. Rodriguez’s group is where Mike Huckabee last month infamously said, “I do not come to you tonight with the ability to speak Spanish. But I do speak a common language: I speak Jesus.”

Rodriguez issued a stark shot.

“The moment in America, the moment in our nation biblical truth is defined as hate speech, America as we know it ceases to exist,” he insisted.

“There are two types of persecutions against Christians,” Rodriguez continued. “Globally, an explicit one via ISIS. In America,” Rodriguez claimed, “legislative persecution. And the latter always proceeds [sic] the former.”

“Today’s complacency is tomorrow’s captivity,” he warned.

It’s no wonder Fox News viewers believe Christians are under attack, when they have religious leaders falsely stoking fears the Obama administration is targeting them, and that an ISIS-like war against Christians is about to begin in America.


Image: Screenshot via Fox News
Hat tip: Mediaite


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