Pastor: AIDS And Ebola Came From ‘Sodomites’

A NYC pastor is warning that AIDS and Ebola come from gay men having oral-anal sex, and if you support gay people having sex you support Ebola.

Pastor James David Manning insists he has “scientific proof” that “both Ebola and AIDS are the result of man having sex with beasts, animals.”

“Somehow or other, men in Africa were having sex with beasts, whether it was monkey or wildebeests, or other kinds of animals – lambs or goats.”

Manning then tells the story of a man in Connecticut who was arrested for having sex with a Pit Bull. “Maybe” sex with other dogs is OK, suggests Pastor Manning, but a Pit Bull is unacceptable.

“A Pit Bull of all things, maybe a Shepard or a poodle but a Pit Bull, my God.”

“This is a warning to America, and a warning to the pastors of America, that those who support anal sexual interaction are supporting Ebola, and it is the judgment of God, and it comes from Africa, and spread mainly by men, who are more prone to have anal sex.

“Now, I want you to understand, this is the origin of Ebola, this is the origin of AIDS,” Manning says, adding that he wants people to learn how to protect themselves.

“When you interact with a sodomite who makes love to a man’s rectum,” Manning explains, “at some point somebody made love to a monkey’s rectum, and not with a man’s genitalia, it was oral-rectum love-making.”

Manning, who is known for his hostile anti-gay sign outside his Harlem, New York church, then says that God has specifically spoken, passed “judgment on sodomy in America.”

“Many of the sodomites orally make love to a man’s rectum, and that is where both AIDS and Ebola originated, but there must also be the addition of a mammal or animal blood contained in the blood of the man, and people who do that.”

“The only way you’re going to stop it is we stop sodomy here in America. So the answer is Ebola and AIDS will not be stopped.”

Manning closed with a warning, as he has on other occasions, to avoid Starbucks.

WATCH: ‘Upscale Sodomites’ Make Starbucks ‘Ground Zero’ For Ebola Says NYC Pastor

“Again, I warn you to stay away from that coffee shop called Starbucks. It is indeed the Ebola incubation, spreading and contact contagious quarters here in America.” 

WATCH: NY Pastor Thinks Starbucks’ Secret Ingredient Is The ‘Semen of Sodomites’



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More On Pastor Manning At The New Civil Rights Movement:

Watch: Harlem Pastor Warns Michael Sam May Marry 9-Year Old Boy

Christian Pastor: Obama And Putin Are Gay – Putin Will Out Obama In 100 Days (Video)

Look: Christian Church Curses Gay People With ‘Cancer HIV Syphilis Then Hell’

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