Laura Ingraham Rants That ‘Obama Let The Ebola Virus Into The U.S.’

Yesterday, one Fox News contributor denied blaming President Obama for the first U.S. case of Ebola. Now, another is blaming him outright.

Fox News guest host and ABC News contributor Laura Ingraham today on her own radio show blamed President Barack Obama for the first case of Ebola diagnosed in the U.S.

Reading from a blog post on her own website, Ingraham asked, “Why did Obama let the Ebola virus into the U.S.?”

“Do you believe that we should be allowing flights from Africa into the United States from the two countries most affected?” the conservative pundit added. “Sierra Leone, Liberia, France, and Britain say no.”

“I believe our leaders’ first and foremost obligation is to protect the security of our country. First and foremost. Why does that seem so difficult for these people to do?”

“One would think that he would kind of lock it down,” Ingraham said. “We think the same thing about the border.”

Ingraham, who is anti-gay although she has a gay brother, was engaged to conservative writer and recently convicted election fundraising felon Dinesh D’Souza.

Yesterday, The New Civil Rights Movement reported exclusively on the Fox News contributor who blamed President Obama for the first case of Ebola in the U.S. but then denied it, Katie Pavlich. 

Pavlich is also linked to D’Souza — she recently appeared on stage with him and Sarah Palin.

If you listen a clip of Ingraham’s rant at Mediaite or the full 17-minute diatribe at Breitbart you’ll hear the fear-mongering and paranoia she fuels her listeners with every day.


Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr


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