Look: Harlem Hate Pastor Posts Violent New Anti-Gay ‘Biblical’ Message

The Christian pastor who claims “Jesus would stone homos” is back with another violent anti-gay sign in front of his church in Harlem, for all the world to see.

If a church posts a violent message claiming it’s a quote from the Bible, is it akin to inciting violence?

We’ll leave that question to the legal experts.

But New York City’s Pastor James David Manning is back in the news. Attached to his ATLAH church and private Christian school in Harlem, Manning has a large sign that he updates frequently.

Thanks to Joe Jervis who keeps an eye peeled on Mannning’s attacks, and a photo from Real Stories Gallery on Twitter, we have the latest from the hate pastor of Harlem.

“When the homos bullied the poor and needy in Sodom like they do in Harlem, Jesus fire and brim-stoned them,” it reads. 

Manning would have you believe that’s a quote from the Bible.

It’s not.

Other lies Manning would have you believe?

NASA’s Voyager probe proved the “entire universe rebukes sodomy, it rebukes same-sex marriage, it rebukes man lying with man.”

The Dallas Cowboys’ Michael Sam may spread pedophilia by marrying a 9-year old boy. 

Barack Obama is gay, Vladimir Putin is gay, and the Russian President will out the American President in 100 days.

Manning still has a few months left before that becomes 100 percent false.

He’s also urged parents to take their children out of the public schools, where, he says, they “are under a massive attack from the homosexual lobby,” and the “demonic homosexual mafia.”

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