Fascinating: Rachel Maddow’s Deep Investigation Offers Most Plausible Bridgegate Explanation

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Last night, Rachel Maddow did what she does best: deep investigation and laying out the big picture — the bigger picture — asking questions about what really happened to cause Bridgegate.

And her reporting is fascinating.

Why should you care? Because Chris Christie, perhaps up until this week, could have been the 2016 Republican presidential nominee. He still could be. And the idea of a President Christie should make us all want to run for the hills — or to Canada.

Maddow offers a far more plausible and sensible explanation than what the media have been saying.

Maddow looks at the emails, and finds the one where now-fired Christie aide Bridget Kelly promises “to unleash hell on Fort Lee.”

Mediaite offers the synopsis:

In 2010, Christie took the unprecedented step of refusing to reappoint a New Jersey Supreme Court justice for another term, which set off the New Jersey Democrats, who got back at Christie by shooting down all the other Supreme Court justice nominees he put forward.

So when a Republican member of the New Jersey Supreme Court came up for reappointment last year, NJ Senate Democrats promised to make it a brutal fight, so Christie decided to stop the reappointment. He was furious at Senate Democrats, and held a press conference getting really angry with them.

That press conference, expressing much anger with Senate Democrats, was held on August 12, 2013, a day before the Bridgegate e-mail was sent. And Fort Lee, the town that got backed up, is part of the legislative district represented by Loretta Weinberg. The leader of the Senate Democrats.

Makes far more sense, especially if you watch the entire Maddow report below.

If you’re pressed for time, start at the 11:00 minute mark, but watch:


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