Why Will GOProud Automatically Endorse, Endow, And Elect Any Republican?
Gay Republican Tea Party Group GOProud proves their endorsement of Mitt Romney is meaningless as they have publicly stated they would endorse “any Republican” candidate for President. Why?
Guest author Ned Flaherty examines the issue.
Yesterday, the permanent battered spouses of the LGBT world — Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud — continued forsaking themselves — and 31 million others — while insipidly imagining that Republican oligarchs might toss them their first ever crumb of respect.
At least the Cabineers promise to worry (if only for a few moments) about the threat of Mormon elder Mitt Romney leading America further into theocracy.
But the GOProud clan, without a scintilla of common sense, has reached the logical equivalent of insanity. The proof? They always said that they would endorse, support, and fund “any Republican,†even when that party and candidate prop up anti-LGBT hate groups, such as Romney’s $10,000 secret donation to halt same-gender marriage rights in California. In Montana this week, Republicans adopted a new Party Platform which says that marriage is only between one man and one woman, and says that LGBT people “tear at the fabric of society and contribute to the breakdown of the family unit.†This is GOProud’s party of choice.
GOProud director Jimmy LaSalvia claims that jobs are a gay issue, but now he and GOProud blindly have endorsed Mitt Romney, who opposes a federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and wants homophobic employers in most states to continue firing their LGBT workers. LaSalvia also claims that health care is a gay issue, but now he blindly supports Romney, who says that his Massachusetts public health system — imperfect, but still the best in the nation — can never work anywhere, and he will repeal the equivalent federal program on his first day in office. LaSalvia also claims that retirement security and taxes are gay issues, but now he blindly funds Romney, who insists that he’ll change the U.S. Constitution so that widows and widowers continue getting charged thousands to millions of dollars as soon as their legally wed LGBT spouse dies and they inherit the family home.
What are these Cabineers and Pridefuls thinking? Even after 35 years of waiting, gay Republicans remain so enamored of trickle-down theocracy that they are working to elect Mitt Romney, whose church has fought to outlaw LGBT human rights since 1997, billing temple members tens of millions of dollars every year to pay for it. Gay Republicans are working to elect Mitt Romney, who signed a published pledge promising to: (a) outlaw same-gender marriages forever, (b) write Mormon theology into the U.S. Constitution, and (c) only appoint lifetime judges who will restrain and restrict LGBT people as if the past few centuries of civil rights progress never even happened.
Nearly a week ago, gay Republicans promised endorsements, labor, and cash to Mitt Romney and his party because he’s promised them prosperity during a depression, despite having no practical arithmetic supporting his promise. They ignore the fact that his core plan is more wars, more tax loopholes for wealthy people and firms, higher taxes for everyone else, and a permanent, constitutional theocracy — stripped of many existing human rights, and guaranteed to oppress LGBT people.
The Cabineers and Pridefuls cannot simultaneously claim the equal mantles of being responsibly both Republican and gay, so long as they continue working to elect any Republican candidate put before them, while simultaneously abdicating every major responsibility to the LGBT community.
Ned Flaherty is a Projects Manager for Marriage Equality USA, and writes from Boston, Massachusetts. He was bred and born and raised in Catholic households and schools, but the spell didn’t take.

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