Watch The Awesome Rachel Maddow And Ellen DeGeneres Talk Politics And Gay Marriage

Rachel Maddow yesterday talked with Ellen DeGeneres about this political season, same-sex marriage, Clinton Eastwood’s chair, Ellen’s claim that Michelle Obama did “cheat” during their push-ups contest, and gangnam style, among other issues.

“Imagine that Christmas happened only once every four years in your life, then you would be a pundit,” Rachel Maddow said. “If you care about politics like I do because you care about people competing about different ideas for what the country should do, 60 million people watch these guys fight about that in the debates,” Maddow told Ellen DeGeneres. “That’s awesome. It’s Democracy Christmas. I love it.”

When Ellen mentioned that President Obama came out for gay marriage, “which is a huge thing,” she received thunderous applause.

“You see public opinion on gay marriage, not just changing, heading toward, people being more accepting of marriage equality, but it’s changing faster and faster and faster,” Maddow explained. “But the Republican Party keeps running politicians for office who are super rigidly anti-gay, so Romney and Ryan are not just anti-gay marriage, they want to change the United States Constitution to ban gay couples from getting married. Really? The Constitution needs to change for that?”

Rachel Maddow called Republican politicians “absolutists in being anti-gay,” and are “still fighting each other over who’s more anti-gay,” but noted Republican voters are not. “The ground is shifting under their feet on this.”

Maddow, who says she dances with her dog, confessed she goes home “wired” after her show, which ends at 10:00 PM, and watches “Jersey Shore.” No one’s perfect.

Curiously, there was no mention of Maddow’s new-ish book, Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power.


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