News: Liz Taylor, Peter LaBarbera, Catholic Church, Michele Bachmann, Bill Donohue

Andrew Breitbart, the right wing extremist posing as a media mogul, actually got someone fired who deserved it. Instead of Shirley Sherrod or hundreds of thousands of ACORN workers losing their jobs, Chris Barron is about to “step down” as Chairman of GOProud, after they outed a Rick Perry operative.

Jewelry from the late Elizabeth Taylor sells for $115 million. “Part of the proceeds will go to The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation, which she established in 1991 to help people living with AIDS.”

Time Magazine names “The Protester” as “Person of Year.” What do you think? Good choice?

At New York City’s “Standing on Ceremony: The Gay Marriage Plays,” (which we love love love), Jenny Greenstein found her partner Dina Weisbergeron one knee, proposing. Of course, she said yes. Congratulations, you two! (You have just a few days left until the show closes. See it if you can!)

Shocking! Is it possible the Florida Family Association (FFA) is lying when they claim that 65 advertisers have pulled out of “All-American Muslim,” on TLC, after the FFA condemned the show which portrays human being who happen not to be Christian? The New York Times’ “Media Decoder” blog is suggesting that, yes, the Florida Family Association is lying. I wouldn’t be surprised, after all, the FFA is affiliated with the larger American Family Association, a certified hate group.

Since the family is “older than any State,” a Christian blog claims that they’ve found “A Libertarian Argument AGAINST Gay Marriage.” Of course, they put the term gay marriage in quotation marks, because it’s not a real thing, whereas God…

Earlier today we wrote about the loathsome Molotov Mitchell, and apparently, so did hate group head Peter LaBarbera. And apparently, we could use the word “loathsome” twice in that sentence.

“Colombia’s Catholic Church and the country’s Inspector General on Tuesday strongly criticized a court decision to allow a gay U.S. journalist to adopt two Colombian boys, suggesting he may become attracted to them.” If there’s ever been any organization that knows about grown men being attracted to little boys, it’s the Catholic Church. It’s called projection, folks. On the other hand, a gay journalist, I would trust.

We really, really wanted to do a piece on this story. For now, our deepest condolences go to Derence Kerneck, who last week lost the man who would have been his husband if Prop 8 had never existed. Ed Watson was Kerneck’s husband in spirit, no doubt, after spending more than 40 years together.

“The gays have found a new — and I would say more effective — way to make their point. They’re just being themselves. And the sooner politicians catch up with the rest of the United States to realize that gay men, lesbians and their families deserve respect rather than demonization, the better off we’ll all be,” writes Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart. Indeed.

Great news! Michele Bachmann is “biblically qualified” to be president, says former state Rep. Danny Carroll of Grinnell, Iowa, and his group of Iowa Christians. Of course, the Bible would probably suggest stoning to death a woman were she to hold office, but that’s not important to real Bible-believing Christians. No doubt they’ll be enjoying their crab puffs as they don their non-gay poly-cotton Christmas apparel at their next meeting in the White House.

Bill Donohue, who is head of the laughable Catholic League, and has called HIV/AIDS a “self-inflicted wound,” wants to disbar a lawyer for “outbursts of anti-Catholicism in the courtroom,” because she is “an unrepentant individual.” Takes one to know one, Mr. Donohue. By the way, when’s the next annual New York Times ad supporting pedophile priests going to run?

Pam Spaulding notes that, sadly, the SWAN lawsuit against the Department of Defense has been dismissed.

“Veteran White House reporter” Keith Koffler thinks “Obama 50 Minutes Late for Press Conference” is news. “I took a little video to give you an idea what it’s like to be in the room. Notice the LACK OF AN APOLOGY for tardiness. Unless Maliki gave it on behalf of both of them in Arabic.” Because, you know, Obama is a Muslim.

Jeremy Hooper of Good As You notes a J. Matt Barber tweet that suggests “all gay couples are incapable/undesirous of monogamy,” but actually says, “if U grind a unicorn’s horn 2 dust & snort it U can fly.” And here we thought only faeries had wings, Matt.

“Newt Gingrich, the peddler of myths and fantasies, is the modern incarnation of the late L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.” Yup.

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