Michelle Malkin: Back To Demonizing Gays

Only Bigots Need To Hide, Michelle

If you’ve been a fan of this blog from the beginning, you’ll remember all the hateful, nasty, and just plain wrong comments extreme Right-wing Fox News commentator, and Equal Opportunity Bigot Michelle Malkin was making about gays after the November election. I wrote ten pieces, the first, “Michelle Malkin Just Can’t Understand Why We’re Upset“, in which I wrote,

“Conservative part-time columnist and full-time hate-mongerer Michelle Malkin describes our anger at becoming second-class citizens and having the right to marry stolen from us as “insane rage”, as if it would make sense for us to be calm and happy about an entire class of people being de-humanized.”

Doing some digging on her blog, I noticed her incredible focus on gays, and realized, back in December, that Michelle Malkin is just obsessed with gays. I wrote,

“Dear Michelle Malkin, I like you too. I like how you’re obsessed with homosexuality. I like how the word “homosexual” appears in 45 of your blog posts, and how the word “gay” appears in well over 150 of your blog posts. (They say, write about what you know. Well, Michelle, I’m wondering…) I like how you’ve written about gays every day this week. I like how you’ve really bared your soul to us, told us what you think of us, taken those quick pot-shots that you’re so well known for.”

Then, Obama took office, the tea parties came, and Malkin lost focus on us. I was glad, because I had warned her,

“Well, Michelle, I wish you would stop trying so hard to deprive me of my “unalienable Rights”. I wish you would use your platform to stand for something, rather than against so many things. I wish you would stop your incendiary attacks against a group of people you obviously know little about, but who, for some very strange reason, you seem obsessed with, and frightened by. And I wish, Dear Michelle Malkin, you would just leave us alone. Because until you do, until you stop your ugly, hateful, uninformed, senseless attacks on the gay community, I promise you, we’ll be alert and vigilant and call you on every one of your ugly lies. We’re here, Michelle, and we’re watching your words.”

I thought she was done, but I guess I was wrong. Yesterday, Malkin began her obsessive and malicious attacks on gays again:

“Following in the footsteps of the anti-Prop. 8 mafia, two gay activist groups have announced plans to “out” Washington state citizens who sign petitions to oppose expanding same-sex partnership laws.”

“Now, imagine the uproar if the roles were reversed and anti-gay marriage activists were publicizing the names of petitioners supporting same-sex partnership expansion laws. But when they do it, they’re not creating a “climate of hate.” They’re just exercising their free speech.”

Funny, Michelle, everyone I’ve talked talk with, including the twenty-plus responses I got back from folks via Twitter (in under 15 minutes!), would have no problem standing up publicly for their position on civil and gay rights. One person said, “I’d write it on my forehead…” Fact is, Michelle, people who feel the need to hide their opinions are often embarrassed by them. And yes, Michelle, I’m still watching your words.

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