Listen: Chick-Fil-A, Mike Huckabee And NOM — Amazing Lies And Hypocrisy

Former Governor Mike Huckabee spoke with National Organization For Marriage (NOM) president Brian Brown today on the Mike Huckabee Show about Chick-Fil-A and its president Dan Cathy, and proceeded to spend five minutes lying about what’s really going on.

For the record, first, remember that Chick-Fil-A has donated $5 million in the past few years to anti-gay hate groups and other organizations that are actively working to prohibit same-sex marriage. Chick-Fil-A president Dan Cathy isn’t just going around the country shooting off his mouth, invoking the Bible in his attacks on same-sex marriage, he’s putting his company’s money where his Bible is — which is his right, although it’s despicable. But Dan Cathy and his supporter are lying if they say all Dan Cathy and Chick-Fil-A have done is talked about supporting “traditional marriage.”

When Mike Huckabee says, “Chick-fil-A just wants to sell chicken don’t really get into politics all that much,” he is lying.

Huckabee today was sitting in his studio, talking on the phone to Brian Brown, an invited guest.  Huckabee said, “Well the activist gay community has just gone crazy about this, and called for national boycotts and essentially trying to put them out of business which is a form of economic bullying…”

Brian Brown and his organization, NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, have been waging boycotts for years. Currently, NOM swaging war and making money off their “Dump Starbucks” boycott, and their new “Dump General Mills” boycott.

Did Mike Huckabee ask Brian Brown,” Why have you called for national boycotts? Why are you essentially trying to put Starbucks and General Mills out of business? That’s a form of economic bullying!”

No. And does Brown mention it? No.

Huge hypocrisy!

Jeremy Hooper at Good As You, writes:

Such victims. To hear them tell it, you might think a prominent American businessman had just accused them and their loving bonds as having the power to draw the wrath of a vengeful deity. But then you remember, “Oh wait, no—that wasus who experienced that indignity, delivered by the man they are so disingenuously defending!”

It is quite curious that the staunch, brave, “refusing to be quiet” Brian Brown never actually tells listeners what Dan Cathy said. Must have been an oversight, huh?

Here’s the audio with my transcript below — I’ve left out a tiny portion of Brian Brown’s droning. He talks about Prop 8 and the waitress who supposedly came under attack for donating $100. I’m mentioning it so no one says I’m purposely leaving it out.

MIKE HUCKABEE: I’m sure you are aware that a few days ago I decided that enough was enough when I heard all of this incredible hate speech being directed toward Dan Cathy and the and Cathy family who are the owners of the Chick-fil-A restaurant chain all because they support traditional marriage. They don’t force it in the stores they don’t insist upon customers or employees, it is just their personal beliefs. Last time I checked America was a place for people who have a belief and express it personally. Well the activist gay community has just gone crazy about this, and called for national boycotts and essentially trying to put them out of business which is a form of economic bullying, and they’ve engaged in some of the most vicious hate speech towards the company and specifically toward the family I’ve ever seen. Very undeserved. Chick-fil-A just wants to sell chicken don’t really get into politics all that much but now they’ve been drug into it by these groups that want to destroy their business and some of us decided we ought to stand up with them so I said let’s have an appreciation day for Chick-fil-A Wednesday, August 1 just go eat at Chick-fil-A we’re not doing a political rally we’re not having a big bunch of signs printed, just go eat.

One of the first major organizations that joined in this was the National Organization For Marriage, a highly respected large outreach, essentially, to try to encourage people recognize the civilization rests on the idea of a good marriage. Brian Brown is the president of the National Organization For Marriage and he joins me now on The Mike Huckabee Show, Brian, thanks for being here and thanks for standing up out for this fine family and as for the issue just to say it’s okay.

BRIAN BROWN: Well thank you Gov. Huckabee, you’ve been a real leader, we were proud to follow suit and August 1 we’re encouraging all our folks to get out there — I think it’s going to be a real show of support… A lot of people you know they hold their beliefs, every time the people in this country they’ve gone to the ballot box they’ve voted to protect marriage as the union of a man and woman, even in one liberal state, and people are sort of just tired at the idea if you have a man like Dan Cathy or Truett Cathy, men that have stood up have done a great job creating a business anyone who’s eaten there knows that they’re highly professional, they show love and respect for everyone, but just by standing up and stating his beliefs, his Christian beliefs, that somehow you have all this hate speech directed and you even have the Boston Mayor saying he’s not going to allow Chick-Fil-A into Boston. That in and of itself is discrimination, and we need to stand behind folks lie the Cathys and we’re proud to do it.

MIKE HUCKABEE: Well it was that Boston mayor’s comments that kind of pushed me over the edge and I thought wait a minute, when you have elected officials saying you can’t do commerce in my town because I disagree with you in your personal life that really was just a bridge too far.
Brian also I want to mention Facebook, trying to censor the event page that we created had about 1 million hits over 100,000 people that said we’ll show up at a Chick-Fil-A, I was shocked that Facebook said that didn’t keep with their standards, but they had a page that was also running that was same-sex kiss day at Chick-Fil-A restaurants on another day that they were trying to promote and that was okay. Since Facebook has relented and put the page backup does it surprise you that double standard and the the attitude that anything that a Christian does is hideously wrong and bigoted but if you take a position that really is out of the mainstream we’re going protect that and say it’s okay.

BRIAN BROWN: …people refusing to back down, doing it in love, doing it with respect, but not willing to be cowed. And, you know, we are on the right side of history,a lot of times you hear supporters of same=sex marriage, folks who want to redefine marriage say, well, this is the future…This is a really simple and civilization-defining idea that it takes a man and a woman to make a marriage an simply for saying it it’s absolutely unconscionable that people will want to trey to hurt you and Facebook would want to shut you down. But we have the power in our hands, both through voting and where we take our dollars, and simply in refusing to be cowed, refusing to be quiet in the face of this sort of intimidation. God bless you…

MIKE HUCKABEE: My thanks also to the National Organization For Marriage, a highly respected family organization that has been willing to courageously show leadership in states where there have been ballot measures to not change something but rather to leave it alone, to simply allow us to continue to the traditional view of marriage and thanks so much again for being here hope to chat again soon.

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