Is Obama Pro-Business? Do You Really Want A(nother) Pro-Business President Anyway?

Conservatives LOVE to play stupid word games. “Pro-life vs. Pro-choice,” for example. Now the buzz is all about how Obama is “anti-business.” Well, he’s not, but on the other hand, do you really want a pro-business president, especially after the last one, and especially after we’ve seen what deregulation and lack of enforcement have done to our economy, our wallets, and, well, the Gulf of Mexico?

I want a president who is pro-people.

I want a president who works to make the economy better for people, not for businesses.

I want a president who works to make health care a right, not a privilege.

I want a president who works to make civil rights a right, not a privilege.

I want a president who works to make jobs a right, not a privilege.

I want a president who works to make a clean environment a right, not a privilege.

I want a president who works to make safer investments a right, not a privilege.

I want a president who works to make marriage equality a right, not a privilege.

I want a president who works to make equal military service a right, not a privilege.

I want a president who works to make a harassment-free workplace a right, not a privilege.

I want a president who works to make excellent education a right, not a privilege.

I want a president who works to make peace a right, not a privilege.

Feel free to ignore the fact that under president Obama, “corporate profits are up 34 percent from first quarter 2009 to first quarter 2010.”

Feel free to ignore the fact that under president Obama, the DOW is up 22%.

Feel free to ignore the fact that under president Obama, first-quarter corporate profits were up 44 percent from a year earlier.

Feel free to ignore the fact that under president Obama, “Americans continued to rate their lives better in June than in any other month since Gallup and Healthways began tracking life evaluation [Jan 2008].”

Feel free to ignore the fact that under president Obama, exports are up 17% over 2009.

Feel free to ignore the fact that president Obama saved the auto industry.

Feel free to ignore the fact that president Obama saved the financial industry.

Feel free to ignore the fact that “President Obama is certainly not promoting an anti-business agenda in education. Quite the contrary. He is leveraging his multiple-billion dollar “Race to the Top” initiative to encourage privatization of public schools by the expansion of privately managed charter schools. The growth of charters is strongly supported by hedge fund managers, for whom this has become a favorite cause (as reported in the New York Times).”

UPDATE: “Wall Street marks best week in a year” as of yesterday.

Conservative love to ignore facts, or cherry-pick the ones that will best illustrate their blatant biases and bigotry. Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes.

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