Fischer: Regnerus Study Proves It’s ‘Impossible’ For Gays To Be Good Parents
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Bryan Fischer today wildly mischaracterized the anti-gay, debunked Mark Regnerus parenting “study” as one based on “adults who grew up in same-sex households.” It was not, which totally makes Fischer’s claims that the study is valid, flawed as well. The Regnerus study, which has been used by the right to claim that same-sex couples cannot possibly make good parents — Fischer in this video states it’s “impossible” — examined 2,988 participants who claimed they had a mother or father who had had some sort of same-sex relationship while they were growing up.
Regnerus never confirmed this claim made by the 2988 participants, nor did he put restrictions on what that relationship meant. Frankly, thinking — not witnessing — your dad got a blowjob from a next door neighbor would have allowed participation in the study.
But in this video, part of an extensive interview by journalist David Pakman, Bryan Fischer, the public face of the certified anti-gay hate group, American Family Association, says that Regnerus “talked to adults who grew up in same-sex households.”
In fact, Regnerus admits, only two of the participants grew up in same-sex households.
Who Regnerus actually studied were adults who as children lived through a marital breakup or at least a very shaky marriage.
Fischer, wrongly, states, “you can’t get research that’s any more solid than that.”
The New Civil Rights Movement’s own Scott Rose has been one of the primary researchers who have absolutely been successful in debunking the Regnerus study. Rose has authored over 75 articles on the Regnerus study here alone, and often highlights that hundreds of sociologists believe the study is flawed, faulty, and/or should be removed from publication.
We’ll have more on the Fischer interview later.
Fischer: 9/11 Terrorists Were ‘Agents Of God’s Wrath’ Sent In ‘Judgment’
Fischer: Obama Committed Sin Of Lust By Saying He Wants To Raise Taxes On Rich
Obama ‘May In Fact Be A Closeted Muslim’ Says Bryan Fischer
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