Conservatives Claim Hillary Clinton Blood Clot, Hospitalization Faked

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When Hillary Clinton fainted from dehydration after the flu earlier this month, conservatives, like Allen West, called it the “Benghazi Flu,” in an attempt to claim she was refusing to testify before Congress on Benghazi. Now that the Secretary of State has been hospitalized with a blood clot after her concussion, of course, they’re apologizing, right?

Of course not.

Fox New commentator and right wing nut Monica Crowley labeled Hillary Clinton’s flu “a virus with impeccable timing,” on Twitter and in an exchange on Fox News with anchor Megyn Kelly, as Media Matters reported:

Kelly asked Crowley, “What’s really going on? I mean, she fainted sometime last week and can’t show up this Thursday for a previously scheduled testimony? I mean, there was speculation, I want all the viewers to know, about whether she’d really go” to the Benghazi hearing even before her illness. Kelly then said, “I’m not suggesting she didn’t get a concussion. But there is a legitimate question about, is — do we believe this is an excuse and that she really will show up to testify?” Crowley responded by referring to Clinton’s illness as “this virus with apparently impeccable timing.”

Fox News contributor John Bolton told host Greta van Susteren that when foreign service officers “don’t want to go to a meeting or conference or event,” they have “a diplomatic illness. And this is a diplomatic illness to beat the band.”

Almost former Congressman Allen West had said, “I’m not a doctor, but it seems as though – that the Secretary of State has come down with a case of Benghazi flu.”

And this, via Daily Kos:

The pride of the Washington Post Charles Krauthammer, who suggested that Clinton was suffering from:

… acute Benghazi allergy which causes lightheadedness when she hears the word Benghazi or is being asked about it. Tucker Carlson hack:

We’re told she collapsed and hit her head and got a concussion, and that’s why she can’t testify about Benghazi this week. And we’re supposed to just take her word for it. […]If she has a concussion, let’s see the medical report. Let’s see some proof that she’s not just stonewalling. If it’s true, then we can all wish her a speedy recovery. But it’s ridiculous to expect us to take her word for it.

Of course, all the above and more have now apologized, right? Retracted their hate statements, bowed their heads in shame, right?


Crickets, from them all.

But who is still speaking?

Asinine conservatives on Twitter and on blogs are now claiming Hillary Clinton being hospitalized for a blood clot, which was announced this evening, is a fraudulent attempt to dodge testifying about Benghazi.


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Conservatives Attack Hillary Clinton Even After Blood Clot Hospitalization

Storified by David Badash· Sun, Dec 30 2012 21:17:46

Imagine how much sympathy trim Bill Clinton will get if Hillary kicks it. #uspoli #tcot #hillary cc @PimpBillClintonD Frunk
Hillary fakes blood clot to avoid questions about her alleged concussion. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/30/hillary-clinton-blood-clot-hospital_n_2385951.html #TCOT #benghazi @TheOnionErik Shelley
Gee! I hope those clots don’t cause any MEMORY LOSS for Hillary considering her #Benghazi testimony’s coming up… #convenient #tcotRhonda
See Hilary! Liars never prosper! … I know that’s cruel, but I had to say it! #tcot #Hillary #PATRIOTSam the Republican
Should I care that Hillary has a blood clot? She’s had blood on her hands for several months & Obama don’t care. Follow the leader!#tcotjohn q. public
Hag Hillary Clinton hospitalized: Hillary Clinton Hospitalized With Blood Clot – YouTube Good news http://bit.ly/VRlgC7 #tcotMike
Hillary fakes blood clot to avoid questions about her alleged concussion. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/30/hillary-clinton-blood-clot-hospital_n_2385951.html #TCOT #benghazi @TheOnionErik Shelley
The Immaculate Concussion has now become Clot-gate! DECEITFUL Hillary Clinton ‘in hospital’ with blood clot http://bbc.in/10Cr61Z #tcotThe Cosmic Kid â„¢
vince foster sends his best wishes to hillary clinton #p2 #tcotlonnie
Hillary has a blood clot? That’s what liberals call a fetus… so is she going to speak about #Benghazi after her abortion then? #tcotJami
Hey Hillary, I bet our guys at the UN in #Benghazi had blood clots form too while they were being murdered…. #tcot #LibyaJami
This benghazi thing must be a real problem for admin, if Hillary has to fake a blood clot. #tcot #tlot #maddow #sgp #NRA #edshowbbone
Hillary’s hematoma is probably going to affect the part of the brain which contains the “Benghazi memories” #tcotAnnabella
KARMA is a bitch, eh hillary? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/12/30/secretary-clinton-in-hospital-with-blood-clot-stemming-from-concussion/ #tcot #lnyhbt @seanhannityT. Price
I don’t wish Hillary ill, but not sure I can believe any reports about her health any more, #LNYHBT #TCOTPat Gooley
First she LIES to save Obama now she fakes blood clot what’s next? Watch your back Hillary http://nbcnews.to/TWo0UV #Benghazi #tcot #tlotGreg Fettig
Wow, Hillary’s really taking this fake medical condition all the way to avoid testifying… #tcotKendall Clark
We are justified to doubt the clot claims from Hillary. She represents a party that could care less for the interests of Americans. #tcotAnnabella
#BestMemories2012 Hillary Clinton faking more injuries than a #NBA player with a guaranteed contract #tcot #tlot #p2 #lnyhbtMichael O’Seasnain
So where is Hillary’s clot? #Benghazi #bluedress #tcot #LNYHBTcolsie
HILLARY CLINTON IS ONE BIG LIE! Again, right before Benghazi Briefing she falls ill with supposed Blood Clot? BULLSHIT! #p2 #tcotRight Hand Jab
#Benghazi recap #Petraeus career shattered by extra marital affair and now Hillary MIA with brain clot, does anyone else smell a rat? #tcotBossyMother
Hillary “the wizard” Clinton implanted a blood clot in order to avoid the Benghazi herrings #GopFAIL #TCOT #Benghazi http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/30/politics/hillary-clinton-hospitalized/?hpt=hp_t1Joseph Ruotolo
BREAKING NEWS: Barack Obama (The Chosen One) will outlaw (Ban) Benghazi Brain Region Blood Clots thanks to Hillary Clinton #p2 #tcotRight Hand Jab
Hillary Clinton is hospitalized with a blood clot following her concussion? A blood clot would be a good way to make it look real. #tcotD.R. Berry
We don’t have to worry about Hillary Clinton getting brain damage from her clot since there’s nothing there to damage #p2 #tcotConservative News
#ThankYouNotesDear Hillary,Thank you for proving that “lying” can come back and smack you upside your head! #tcotKathy in SC
HILLARY CLINTON is a MINION of Barack Hussein Obama & is NOTHING BUT TRASH we could do without! FUCK HILLARY CLINTON, shes a LIAR! #p2 #tcotRight Hand Jab
If Hillary is in trouble this might be a good time for a Priest to go talk to her about Vivce Foster, Rose Law Firm and Whitewater. #tcotSullivan’s Projects
All they know how to do is lie. I KNEW Hillary’s story wasn’t holding water. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1641.htm #TCOTproud2b4family
I still have my doubt that Hillary is really injured at all. #Benghazi must be really a big cover up. #tcot #ncpol @RuffusMD #bloodclotdi kele
Clinton: I did not have SEXual relations with that woman; Nixon: I am not a CROOK; BO/Hillary: WE R not the BUTCHERs of Benghazi ! #tcotI am John Galt!!
They should make a TV show called “A Thousand Ways To Get Out Of Testifying On #BenghaziGate” starring Hillary Clinton. #Benghazi #tcot #GOPTyler Leleux
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