Alarming! John McCain Lies, Claims 265,000 May Leave Military If DADT Reversed
It’s amazing how low some people (John McCain) will stoop when they know they’ve lost. If freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose, John McCain must be one of the freest people in the country right now.
And when you’ve got nothing left to lose, you lie. (Send in Joe Wilson!)
So, now the religious press (yes, there’s one of those) is quoting McCain like the Gospel. Take, for instance, this headline: “‘Alarming’: 265,000 may leave military if DADT reversed.”
Where did McCain get that number?
It’s a guesstimate — a worst case hypothetical, that Gates and Mullen totally disbelieve — from the Pentagon report. Except it represents what service members said they might consider doing it DADT is repealed. Well, they can’t. It’s not like a job you can quit. Leave the service without being discharged? It’s called “AWOL.”
You know, the same thing was said in the UK when they allowed openly-gay members. And you know what happened? Not a damn one left. Not one.
Here’s the quote from the “Baptist Press“
“More than 250,000 U.S. troops may leave the military earlier than they had planned if the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy is reversed, Sen. John McCain said Thursday, basing his data on a new Pentagon report.
“The numbers are alarming,” he said.”
So are the depths to which McCain will sink.
Remember The Manchurian Candidate, that awesome film from 1962 (not the disastrous remake,) starring Frank Sinatra, Angela Lansbury, and Janet Leigh? Remember the scenes with Lansbury’s husband, Senator John Iselin, when he waves a piece of paper in the air, and announces, “I am United States Senator John Yerkes Iselin, and I have here a list of two hundred seven persons who are known by the Secretary of Defense as being members of the Communist Party!”
And then, that number continues to change throughout the movie?
That’s John McCain. Short on proof, long on wind.
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