Santorum Twists Himself Into Knots to Justify His Support of Trump
'He's Not Even Hiding It'
Disturbing Image Depicts Putin to a 'T' – And Trump to a 'P'
Trump Helped Putin 'Cover Up That Crime by Lying About It Publicly'
Huckabee Sanders Insists President's Comment Didn't Mean What It Clearly Meant
A Defensive President Delivers Wrong Answer – Again
Butina appeared to treat sex as "simply a necessary aspect of her activities," FBI court filing states.
“When Trump says our relations are bad because of American foolishness and stupidity, he really smells like an agent of the Kremlin.”
President Says If He Didn't Get Along So Well With Putin We Could Be at War With Russia – Echoing the Fox News Pundit
MSNBC Analysts Laugh at the White House Press Office
False GOP Talking Points Still Being Pushed
Updated: Woman Is NSC Staffer
'Very, Very, Very Grave Mistake'
Charged with "infiltrating organizations having influence in American politics, for the purpose of advancing the interests of the Russian Federation."
'My Grandchildren Are Going to Grow Up Speaking Russian'