"How is Rudy Giuliani able to prepare a 'counter report' to Mueller if he hasn’t read it?"
The White House has a "robust" and "aggressive" response planned for Thursday,
Many mocked the President after he posted this latest round of fear-revealing tweets.
'Delay, Delay. Delay'
"THEY SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN (We will never forget)!"
"I do think it's important for the public to have the opportunity for the public to learn the results of the Special Counsel's work," Barr says.
Trump claims "This is the highest level of Presidential Harassment in the history of our Country!" President Abe Lincoln probably would have disagreed.
“The full and complete report must be released to Congress without delay.”
Trump is apparently attempting to battle the latest rash of bad-news polls.
'Total Exoneration, Complete Vindication' Trump Falsely Claims
'Raises Questions About What Mr. Barr Might Have Left Out of the Four Dense Pages He Sent Congress'
Barr says he will agree to testify before Congress.
"Mr. Mueller’s full report has yet to be released, and it remained unclear if it ever would be."
“This thing started as a counterintelligence investigation,” Figliuzzi said, “and it needs to end as a counterintelligence investigation.”
Just 11 days ago the U.S. House of Representatives in a unanimous 420-0 vote urged the DOJ to release the Mueller report on Russia's attacks, collusion,...