"God made us male and female and gave sex for us to enjoy inside a marriage relationship between a man and a woman—not two men, not...
"The god they worship is the pagan god of the Old Testament, Moloch, who allowed for child sacrifice."
Praise for Trump for skipping "a UN climate change summit on an imaginary problem to address the very real problem of global persecution of believers."
"What brand beyond Fallwellism will Liberty have to call its own?"
Distaste for Trump-loving Christian conservatism has turned some Americans off from religion altogether.
Man now getting threats from strangers after he went to the police.
Despite the White House’s recent false claims that Vice President Mike Pence is not anti-gay, a new investigation by CNN proves the conservative Christian Republican politician has...
It's not like Buttigieg holds policy positions that are so glaringly different from any other top Democratic candidate.
And Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will address the group on Friday.
“This may not be the place for everybody,” the head of the $100 million ministry says.
He has yet to denounce Focus On The Family or conversion therapy, nor has he promised to sever his partnership with the anti-LGBTQ group.
"I have come to the conclusion my decision which was based on what I thought was correct to be supported by The Bible was incorrect!"
"We don’t do gay weddings or mixed race, because of our Christian race — I mean, our Christian belief.”
The brief falsely suggests LGBTQ people do not exist, but rather are choosing "actions, behaviors, or inclinations."
"Love this guy—he’s got a lot of guts!" Graham says of an anti-gay bigot.