Lawsuit Claims Moore 'Suffered Extreme Emotional Distress'
'Maybe Declassification to Find Additional Corruption. Wow!'
Watch Marco Rubio's response to InfoWars founder Alex Jones when he touches him.
'I Think It’s a Terrible Message That They’re Sending' Trump Says
Video and Photographic Evidence Appear to Prove Raj Shah Incorrect
"He pulled his hand back, turned his back to me and walked away."
Trump also called it “the worst” the speech he had ever given.
'He Is Either a Fascist or Completely Insane'
"If there is no vote on this motion...this process will be tainted and stained forever," Sen. Blumenthal says.
GOP Senator Chuck Grassley Loses Control of Hearing
'I Think Your KKK Robes Are Showing'
Impeachment Still Not at the Top of the List for House Democrats
“I’m sure we will,” Giuliani promises.
"Mr. Dorsey told one person that he had overruled a decision by his staff to kick Mr. Jones off," The Wall Street Journal reports.
'An Act That Might Be Described as Tyranny'