“Pompeo, top of his class at West Point and a graduate of Harvard Law, knew it was wrong.”
U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard took a hard swipe at the Democratic Party during her remarks at Wednesday night’s presidential debate, and the video of her comments...
The two who showed up were asked "to attend as they were passing by in the hallway."
That wasn't the only falsehood Trump tweeted.
"This couldn't be a better day for President Trump," Hannity tells listeners.
What level of co-ordination does it takes to make that happen?
Wrongly Claims Sondland's Damning Testimony Clears Him
"Has the potential to be a game-changer."
House Republicans have moved from saying they would consider impeaching the president if evidence exists he engaged in quid pro quo to now claiming that despite...
United States Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland delivered blockbuster testimony Wednesday morning directly charging President Donald Trump and his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, directed...
Gordon Sondland will say in sworn testimony before Congress that he “followed the President’s orders” to extort a quid pro quo and engage in a bribery...
Because she couldn’t remember her password.
Ambassador Kurt Volker offered explosive testimony in his opening statement before the House Intelligence Committee. Volker, the former U.S. special representative for Ukraine negotiations, was a...
72% of Americans – including a large portion of Republicans – oppose allowing adoption agencies to refuse services to same-sex couples.
Abbott's desire to protect "religious liberty" only applies if that "liberty" is being used to attack LGBTQ people.