Nixon "pumped her fist and said yes" to legalization of marijuana.
Conservatives furious top university says Christians "receive unmerited perks from institutions and systems all across our country."
"We're going to be guarding our border with the military."
"The Fake News Networks, those that knowingly have a sick and biased AGENDA, are worried about the competition and quality of Sinclair Broadcast," Trump screamed at...
Man Says He Is Still the Recipient of 'Ridicule, Harassment, and Threats of Violence' From InfoWars Readers
Even Thinks There's 'No Valid Reason Why Teenagers Younger Than 18 Shouldn't Be Able to Possess AR-Type Rifles' With Proper Instruction
NRA Board Member Goes on Wild Rant, Doubles Down, Claims Banning Guns 'Won’t Save Any Lives'
Trump Calls Sinclair 'Far Superior to CNN' and 'Fake NBC' a 'Total Joke'
'It’s a Huge Headache for ABC'
NY Magazine Goes After Trump's 'Self-Dealing and Thievery'
Trump Tries to Throw Blame About His Inability to Do His Job Onto Everyone Else
'Lord Knows I Take My Fair Share of Attacks and I’m Okay With That. It’s What We Signed Up For' Lahren Says
Trump Actually Has Control Over Who Sets USPS Rates
Spread Conspiracy Theories About Parkland Shooting Survivors
Clark was alive for up to 10 minutes after being shot multiple times.