In the wake of the President snap decision to withdraw troops from Syria, McGurk announced his resignation effective the 31st of December.
The President has fumed to his acting Attorney General that he's not doing enough to stymie probes into the former's activities.
"LOL where does she think the 'existing funding from other agencies' comes from? Magic MAGA fairies?"
A visibly angry Stephen Miller spoke about the administration's willingness to shut down the United States government.
President Trump took to Twitter to criticize both the FBI as well as his former lawyer, Michael Cohen.
Rudy Giuliani, President Trump's current personal attorney, said that he would not let the President be interviewed by Robert Mueller
President Trump confirmed that John Kelly, President Trump's second Chief of Staff in as many years, will be out by the end of 2018.
Voices from the Nixon era took to cable news shows to offer their perspective on the likelihood of impeachment for President Trump.
Representative Adam Schiff claims that President Trump may face the real prospect of jail time after leaving office.
President Trump went after James Comey, trying to claim the former FBI Director lied to congress.
Donald Trump appears to be backing down, saying he will back yet another short-term spending bill.
Alan Dershowitz spoke on the expected report from the Mueller investigation into Russian tampering of the 2016 election.
In a second attack on transgender rights over the holiday weekend, guidance protecting transgender people was removed from a government website .
Adam Schiff attacked the President over his response to the Khashoggi assassination and the appointment of Whitaker
Donald Trump can't seem to agree with himself on whether or not he has closed the border.