On Thursday, writing for The New York Times, columnist Michelle Goldberg laid into President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who appeared at the day’s coronavirus press...
The Trump White House is expected to urge Americans to wear cloth face masks when in public to help slow the transmission of coronavirus, in a...
The Food and Drug Administration has changed its ban on LGBTQ people donating blood, now requiring men who have had sex with men to abstain from...
The governor appeared to him in a ballet costume and wand saying he wished he could magically banish the virus.
“This is a game changer, dude? Yeah. So is the wheel.” Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp has been under fire for refusing to issue a stay...
The U.S. Army warned two months ago that up to 150,000 Americans could die in a coronavirus outbreak, but that’s now within the range of President...
“Take a day off and get some facts.” Far right wing political pundit Ben Shapiro is falsely claiming no “major Democrat” took the impending coronavirus pandemic...
‘Cowardly Failure in Leadership’ Florida is the only state in the nation with 5000 or more coronavirus cases that does not have a stay at home...
‘Come November, There Must Be a Reckoning for the Lives Lost’ A Pulitzer Prize winning newspaper is responding to President Donald Trump’s failure to manage the...
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough called on President Donald Trump to urge one of his strongest supporters to shut down Florida to halt the spread of the coronavirus....
The White House is moving the goal posts once again. Instead of taking drastic action, like asking every state’s governor to mandate a quarantine to reduce...
“The president knows Florida is so important for his reelection” President Donald Trump has politicized the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, from how it...
President Donald Trump isn’t jetting off aboard Air Force One every few days to preside over MAGA and KAG campaign rallies anymore, now that his pandemic...
It’s going to be “Infrastructure Week,” again, apparently. President Donald Trump on Tuesday tweeted that he wants to begin “Phase 4” (there was never an actual...
Overnight coronavirus deaths in the U.S. surged, increasing by 565 to over 3000. There have now been 3148 coronavirus deaths in America, as the total number...