States across the nation are determining whether or not former President Donald Trump can appear on ballots in upcoming primary elections—and if Trump is even eligible...
Senior White House advisor Jared Kushner was asked if the 2020 presidential election could be postponed during an interview with TIME magazine. “I’m not sure I...
President Donald Trump’s off-the-rails press conference on Monday began with a taxpayer-funded campaign re-election ad that aired for free on the three top news networks for...
U.S. Senator Mike Lee, one of the most far right wing Republican lawmakers in the Senate, will vote for Democratic Senator Tim Kaine’s bill to limit...
House Republicans have moved from saying they would consider impeaching the president if evidence exists he engaged in quid pro quo to now claiming that despite...
Washington wasn't perfect, but Donald Trump is no George Washington.
Experts are warning America will face a legitimate constitutional crisis if President Donald Trump defies the U.S. Supreme Court.
"He’ll be spending most of his time in a defensive crouch screaming via tweet that he is a victim, trying to simultaneously maintain the pretense that...
'It's a Shame That No Matter Who I Put in, They Go After Him' Says Trump, Which Is Also False
"We’re also outliers regarding healthcare, guns, incarceration, and the metric system but I don’t hear you bitching about that."
You crossed a line, Trump.
'A Competing Set of Facts, One of Them Completely Untrue'