Has The Promise Of Obama Been Broken For Now, Or Forever? Part I: That Was Then “They used to tell me I was building a dream,...
New Poll Finds Support For Marriage Equality Drops A new CBS News/New York Times poll finds support for same-sex marriage is at 33%, a nine-point drop...
Remember the Big Four Automakers? Who are now the Big Three Automakers? Maybe soon the Big Two Automakers, now that GM has declared bankruptcy? They had...
Brown Continues To Spew Lies HRC Already Proved False   Wow. Where do you even start? Brian Brown continues down the slippery slope type of...
@stevenblue @Napjeeper @thejoshuablog @stannyc @oliveroll @qmuser @AbbieH5 @bridgeout @tonynetz @kindlejunkie @timjheim @jimnnoke @CodyDaigle @GrrrlRomeo @StephanieInCA @marywallace @Cody_K @shaggieshapiro @timzero4 @morna1953 @colombiancoffee @qmuser @LisaGalentine @vautrin @Napjeeper @JDArtist...
California Prop 8 Donors, Meet Arkansas Anti-Gay Adoption Supporters. KnowThyNeighbor.org has a website. And they thought you should know the names and addresses of all the folks...
I came across an AP story tonight, “NY Gov. Paterson to introduce gay marriage bill.” No surprise, but it included this paragraph, “I think this is...
Inez D. Barron Several of my colleagues referenced the civil rights struggle as they debated so passionately on this bill, and, when I think about that...
“Don’t Mess with DOMA!” “I am writing today because I wanted to be sure that you heard from the tens of millions of Americans who firmly...
NOM Marriage News: California Edition   May 1, 2009 Dear Jane, It’s not news to you and me: The drive to impose gay marriage “whether we like...
The National Organization For Marriage, those despicable folks who believe that polygamy is better than gay marriage, have a full camoaign on across America to defeat...
Well, as I told you Sunday, today was a BIG day for gay marriage! So, let’s get caught up! Maine: After last week’s huge turnout of...
With Friends Like These If you pour a cup of milk in to one quart bottle, then pour that same milk into a one gallon bottle,...
For Gay Marriage, One Step Forward, One Stab In The Back Vermont Governor Jim Douglas, a
Watching Congress’ “interrogations” today about AIG’s $165 million employee bonuses, I had a good time. It’s fun to see giants of excess, the over-compensated, over-hyped, get...