Don Feder, a Jewish conservative extremist, two days before Christmas, posted to a Tea Party website  an asinine screed, the “Top 10 Ways Democrats Are Like Nazis,”...
Black Friday began with a spray, rather than a bang, which given the country’s temperature, appears to be standard fare, Gabby Giffords serves Thanksgiving Day dinner...
Complete text and video. The president is a very funny guy. “I am told that the last three speakers here have been the Pope, her Majesty...
It’s time for me to start wrapping my head around the idea that Barack Obama may not make it. I’m not saying he will definitely lose...
The Presbyterian Church is facing an internal split that will see the National Mexican Presbyterian Church of Mexico (NPCM) leave the U.S. Church. Theologically, the Mexican...
Could “Anonymous” be the 21st century’s answer to Robin Hood?… Anonymous, the Internet hactivists we introduced you to last Monday, struck again, this time taking down...
Michele Bachmann is currently campaigning for the Republican 2012 nomination for President. With her Tea Party views espoused on a regular basis, Bachmann has received vast...
To the families of those we’ve lost; to all who called them friends; to the students of this university, the public servants gathered tonight, and the...
The newly-minted Commandant of the U.S. Marines, General James Amos, who provided the final fuel to GOP efforts to scuttle the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal...
Richard Shelby (R-AL) has put on hold a reported seventy Obama appointees because he wants billion-dollar pork-barrel projects released for his state. This is an egregious,... The Defense Of Marriage Act essentially being pronounced unconstitutional must have brought great secret joy to Maggie Gallagher, or at least to her wallet. The...
Facebook, the six-year old social networking site that helps more than 350 million friends, families, colleagues, and companies keep in touch, is fast becoming the online...
All politics may be local, but political donations are anything but. I’ve often wondered if he should be a law prohibiting out-of-state money in local politics....
Yes, that’s right. I’m not kidding. The National Organization for Marriage’s Maggie Gallagher just published, in the National Review, “Is Gay Marriage Inevitable?” In it, she...
“There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.” –...