'We Want Gun Control - When Do We Want It? Now!'
'We Certainly Support Religious Freedom and Would Ask That Congress Also Support That as Well' Says Press Secretary
Roy Moore Has Appeared on Radio Show of Pastor Who Calls for Gays People to Be Executed and Says That AIDS Is 'God's Retribution'
New Military Study Is 'A Transparent Effort to Provide a Retroactive Fig Leaf for the President's Bigotry' Says Attorney
Hundreds of Protestors Rally to Oppose Secretary of Education
13 Point Drop Among Republicans
Never Before in America Have Our Very Lives and Civil Rights Been Been So Uniquely Threatened
Republicans Using the Power of the State to Kick Americans Who Require Medical Care Out of Their Wheelchairs and on to the Street
Chuck Cooper Has Argued Cases in Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage, People With HIV/AIDS, and Interracial Dating
Tillerson Admits to Congress No Communication on Human Rights Crisis of Gay Men to Russia
'One Woman's Dystopia Is Another Woman's Tuesday'
Here's What You Need to Start Your Day
$2 Billion in Funding Allocation Also at Stake
File This Under Right Wing Conservative Republican White Male Privilege
Even J.K. Rowling Got Involved