The Anti-Defamation League, which was founded in 1913 “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all,” has...
Sarah Palin on Fox News Sunday continued to support her statement that the purpose of the legendary ride of Paul Revere was to warn the British...
Fox News chief Roger Ailes was furious that Sarah Palin announced she was not running for president — not on Fox News. Palin in October gave...
A majority of Americans say they will never vote for Sarah Palin or Donald Trump for president, according to a new Quinnipiac poll. The divisive pair both...
Sarah Palin, appearing on Hannity Thursday night, accused Wisconsin union “bosses” of ratcheting up “rhetoric” that will lead to violence and “somebody getting hurt.” “Well, these...
Why are Sarah Palin (with Maggie Gallagher echoing her words,) and Mike Huckabee lying about Barack Obama’s position as a presidential candidate on DOMA, the Defense...
Sarah Palin quit her bus tour today, according to reliable media reports, but the forty-​seven year-​old former Republican Vice Presidential candidate, former Governor of Alaska, former chair...
Sarah Palin attacked Newt Gingrich Wednesday night, stating, “I do believe that Newt Gingrich is terribly wrong on his assessment of Rep. Ryan’s plan, it’s a...
A just-released Marist Poll reveals good news for Democrats, bad news for the GOP. A hypothetical matchup among registered voters right now between President Obama and...
A brand-new Quinnipiac poll out today says Americans think President Obama does not deserve a second term, but would beat Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee anyway,...
Sarah Palin, who hasn’t ruled in or out a 2012 presidential run, told FOX News today, while in Des Moines, Iowa, for the “Reagan Dinner,” a...
“Had such a great time with Sarah Palin last night that we went to the Diamondbacks game today before she left town. It was great talking...
In Nashville, Tennessee, former Republican Vice Presidential candidate, former Governor, former chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, former Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, former...
Palin Picks AG Who Says Gays Are “Immoral”, “Degenerates” Alaska Governor Sarah Palin named Anchorage lawyer Wayne Anthony Ross as her new attorney general on Thursday....
The alleged Trump campaign dossier on JD Vance, reportedly obtained by Iranian hackers and sent to several media outlets that refused to publish it, has now...