Yesterday, I wrote, “From breast pumps to Big Bird, and from food stamps to family planning, the GOP is waging a war on America’s women and...
Is Sarah Palin running for President in 2012? Yes, evidently. On fumes, perhaps, if this video — released just moments ago — is any indication. Note...
Sarah Palin, who has chosen to ignore the spotlight after the heat got a little too hot to handle, will hold a rally for America’s troops...
There’s a dangerous meme making its way across the Internets: “Does Sarah Palin support gay rights?” thanks to her almost-Libertarian response to gay GOP group GOProud’s...
The Internet is gaga today over Sarah Palin’s retweet of lesbain conservative commentator Tammy Bruce’s tweet, “But this hypocrisy is just truly too much. Enuf already–the...
The Quitter And The Caribou Sarah Palin killed a moose. Well, to be accurate, Sarah Palin, her father, some other guy, a TV film crew, several...
Minutes ago, and just days before the 2010 midterm elections, former Governor Sarah Palin, via Twitter, called Joe Miller a “lost cause.” Miller, whom she not...
Sarah Palin, Mama Grizzly-In-Chief, has favorables that are worse than Obama’s. Oh, and her unfavorables are worse than his too. Imagine that…,Favorable&phone=&ivr=&internet=&mail=&smoothing=&from_date=&to_date=&min_pct=&max_pct=&grid=&points=&trends=&lines=&colors=Unfavorable-BF0014,Favorable-000000,Not Heard Enough-A69A37,Neutral-1B8F3E,Undecided-68228B,Refused-2247AF&e=1
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), the successful and historic write-in candidate who won over the Sarah Palin and Tea Party backed candidate Joe Miller, has just announced...
In a just-released New York Times/CBS News poll, 46% of Americans rate Sarah Palin as “not favorable.” This is her highest unfavorable rating since the question...
Betty White calls Sarah Palin a “crazy bitch” while posing as a McCain speechwriter on the “Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson” in this video from...
O’Reilly: “The Perception Of You Is That You’re Not That Smart.” Bill O’Reilly talks with former Republican Vice Presidential candidate, former Governor, former chair of the...
Sucks Up To Evangelicals, Blows Off Palin, Blows Up Courts  In an interview with Christianity Today, Newt Gingrich tried to position himself as the savior...
Like A Rug: Sarah Palin Is A Liar. Andrew Sullivan details the many lies of Sarah Palin. The ones that are fact-checkable. And there are –...