Young Man's Question Throws Palin for a Loop
Former GOP Vice Presidential Candidate and Former and Half-Term Governor Shares Her Thoughts on ESPN's Handling of the Controversy
Palin's Facebook Page Explodes With Former Supporters Expressing Disappointment, Sadness, Anger
Donald Trump Endorser Slammed For False And Harmful Comments On Very Real And Important Issue Of PTSD
At Donald Trump Rally Palin Addresses 'The Elephant In The Room'
Where In The World Is Sarah Palin?
Really, what more can you say?
Two Reality TV Stars Deal Major Blow To Top Trump Rival Ted Cruz
Will Sarah Palin endorse Donald Trump today? Maybe, but in the meantime, wow.
Opinion: Sarah Palin continues to embarrass herself, but this time she's really done it.
Watch as Sarah Palin covers up her lack of knowledge about the intensive and rigorous refugee screening program by blaming Obama.
Sarah Palin is thrilled Adele said she owes her success to her. But watch the actual video - was Adele mocking the former Republican vice presidential...
Sarah Palin wants Hispanic immigrants to "speak American," because it's a "unifying aspect of the nation."
Sarah Palin, back on your TeeVee, giving you her news... but just for one week.
"She's a special person." Listen to Donald Trump ramble on and on about how great Sarah Palin is.