Yesterday, one Fox News contributor denied blaming President Obama for the first U.S. case of Ebola. Now, another is blaming him outright.
Is she "fair and balanced"? You decide.
Conservatives decided Ted Cruz is their choice to be the next president in the 2014 annual Values Voter straw poll. What's shocking is came in second.
The annual Values Voter Summit is back! Watch live now and all weekend long the hate fest that for three days will display the lies the...
The annual Values Voters Summit is here! Watch live now and all weekend long the hate fest that for three days will display the lies the...
Dr. James Dobson is the founder of the Family Research Council and Focus On The Family, two of America's most anti-gay, "Christian" organizations. Here's how he...
Telecommunications giant AT&T has donated $75,000 this year alone to the gubernatorial campaign of anti-gay Republican Greg Abbott of Texas.
The fact checkers at Politifact have reviewed all the major cable and broadcast news organizations. Fox News is at the top of the list -- for...
A conservative candidate for the U.S. Senate just released an ad in which he waves a Glock with a 15-round magazine and promises to “blow your...
Pastor Scott Lively is calling for a boycott of Chick-fil-A. In 2012, Dan Cathy, the president and COO of the giant Chick-fil-A fast-food retailer, gave an interview in which...
In a huge departure from his predecessors, Pope Francis I says the Roman Catholic Church might be agreeable to civil unions for same-sex couples, despite its...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Has Ted Nugent gone off the deep end? Ted Nugent, of course, (and as we just described him,) is a gun-slinging, homophobic, cowardly pig mass-murderer accused...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; “The Devil made me do it” could literally become a “get out of jail free” card in Arizona, if Republicans in the Grand...
Voters in Alabama today will decide if they want to send a Tea Party Republican to Congress who wants gay people to “go back to California...
Bradlee Dean, move over, Justin Lookadoo is in town. Lookadoo, whose official press image (above) is a few years old, bills himself as a former “juvenile...