Shameful for Trump to Lie About His Intentions, Which Are Crystal Clear
What Happened to President-Elect's Promises to Unify America?
Donald Trump's Refusal to Believe 17 US Intelligence Agencies Is Putting Americans' Lives at Risk
First Tweet Is Almost a Dare to the Highly Volatile North Korea
'I Have a Boy Who's 10 Years Old, He Can Do Anything With a Computer'
'I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!'
President Obama Invoked Massive Sanctions Against Russia for Its Hacking Into U.S. and Intervening in America's Election
'We're ... Not in Favor of Our Intelligence Interfering With Our Elections After the Fact'
'You're Quoting a Man Who Poisons His Political Opponents, Murders Critical Journos'
'We Will Outmatch Them At Every Pass, And Outlast Them All,' He Says
'Deplorables' Attack Passenger's Husband, Use Anti-Gay Slurs
'Strengthen And Expand'
Comment to Small Town Local Newspaper Draws Trump Ire
Protests Planned In All 50 States Monday
"I Believe It Was God. God Showed Up," Christian Evangelist Says