"These are the exact posts we find of people, particularly those who advocate for stronger gun rights," says former GOP Congressman David Jolly.
Calling someone the "N" word isn't something most people, certainly most liberals, generally do.
"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhaha. Ha," doesn't cut it. Not by a mile. Article she tweeted reports on the death threat.
Trump's highly controversial nominee, Neomi Rao, holds extremist views far outside the mainstream.
"Why don't you declare that emergency, Mr. President?"
Did CNN learn its lesson, or will it try its hand once more at shaping a presidential race by using its tremendous resources to create a...
"The same teachers who we expect to put their bodies in front of our kids if a shooter comes in their classroom?"
It took Rick Scott two years, and a run for the U.S. Senate, to finally wear a ribbon to honor the Pulse victims.
David Hogg is among the many who are responding.
Is the President comparing Covington Catholic students to Parkland students?
"A quarter of the President's Cabinet is filled by acting department heads."
DeVos plans to rescind Obama guidelines that protect Black and other minority students from racially-motivated punishments.
"Your Time is coming." "Your days are over." "Hug your loved ones real close everytime U leave your home."
'I Think She’s a Monster'
'You've Got to Do More Than Retweet a Hashtag – You've Got to Vote'